首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Contaminant concentrations and histopathological effects in Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus).

Contaminant concentrations and histopathological effects in Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus).

机译:萨克拉曼多裂尾鱼(Pogonichthys macrolepidotus)中的污染物浓度和组织病理学影响。

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Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) is a species of special concern in California, due to multiple anthropogenic stressors. To better understand the potential impact of contaminant exposure, adult splittail were captured from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (California, USA) and analyzed for histopathology and contaminant exposure. Organochlorine contaminants (PCBs, DDTs, dieldrin, chlordanes, and PBDEs) and trace metals (Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, V, and Zn) were detected in the tissues of all fish. In many samples, human health screening values were exceeded for PCBs (83 of 90 samples), DDTs (32 samples), and dieldrin (37 samples). In contrast, thresholds for fish effects were rarely exceeded. Histopathological analysis indicated the presence of macrophage aggregates in gonads, kidneys, and liver and a high incidence of liver abnormalities. In the liver, observed effects were often moderate to severe for glycogen depletion (55 of 95 fish), lipidosis (hepatocellular vacuolation; 51 fish), and cytoplasmic inclusion bodies (33 fish). Correlations between histopathology and tissue contaminant concentrations were weak and inconsistent. Significant correlations were observed between histopathology indicators and reductions in fish size, body condition, lipid content, and liver weight. These results suggest that splittail histopathology varies as a function of health and nutritional status, rather than exposure to legacy organic and metal pollutants.
机译:萨克拉曼多裂尾鱼(Pogonichthys macrolepidotus)由于多种人为压力源而在加利福尼亚州引起特别关注。为了更好地了解污染物暴露的潜在影响,从萨克拉曼多-圣华金河三角洲(美国加利福尼亚)捕获了成年的尾巴,并对其组织病理学和污染物暴露进行了分析。有机氯污染物(PCB,DDT,狄氏剂,氯丹和PBDEs)和痕量金属(Ag,As,Cd,Co,Cr,Cu,Fe,Mn,Mo,Ni,Pb,Se,Sn,V和Zn)为在所有鱼类的组织中检测到。在许多样品中,多氯联苯(90个样品中的83个),滴滴涕(32个样品)和狄氏剂(37个样品)超过了人体健康筛查值。相反,很少有超过鱼类影响的阈值。组织病理学分析表明性腺,肾脏和肝脏中存在巨噬细胞聚集体,并且肝异常的发生率很高。在肝脏中,观察到的影响通常是糖原耗竭(95条鱼中的55条),脂质增生(肝细胞空泡; 51条鱼)和细胞质包涵体(33条鱼)的中等至严重。组织病理学与组织污染物浓度之间的相关性较弱且不一致。在组织病理学指标与鱼类大小,身体状况,脂质含量和肝脏重量的减少之间观察到显着的相关性。这些结果表明,裂尾组织病理学随健康和营养状况而变化,而不是暴露于传统有机和金属污染物。



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