首页> 外文期刊>Biotropica >Factors contributing to variation in seed production among remnant populations of the endangered daisy Gerbera aurantiaca

Factors contributing to variation in seed production among remnant populations of the endangered daisy Gerbera aurantiaca


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The species-rich mist-belt grasslands of southern Africa have been severely reduced in extent as a result of commercial afforestation, thus confining many endemic plants and animals to small populations in habitat fragments. We investigated the influence of various environmental factors on seed production and seedling recruitment in remnant populations of the endangered grassland herb Gerbera aurantiaca (Asteraceae). Experiments with color traps showed that Eriesthis beetles, which appear to be the primary pollinators of G. aurantiaca, were most abundant in the two largest extant populations. Seeds are produced in a very small proportion (typically <10%) of the ca 80 female florets in a capitulum. The mean number of seeds produced in undamaged capitula was found to be significantly lower in small than in large populations. Pollen limitation was evident from a significant overall increase in seed set after supplemental pollination in three populations over two seasons. The proportion of capitula containing seed predators did not differ marked among populations or years, but lepidopteran larvae, which destroy all of the seeds in a capitulum, were most abundant in the two largest populations in 2003. The presence of juvenile plants varied markedly among populations, but this could not be linked firmly to estimates of seed production. Clonal growth is likely to contribute to the persistence of small isolated populations of G. aurantiaca, even when seed production is severely compromised by pollen limitation and predation.
机译:商业造林的结果,使南部非洲物种丰富的雾化带草原严重减少,从而使许多特有的动植物仅限于栖息地碎片中的小种群。我们调查了各种环境因素对濒危草原草药非洲菊(Asteraceae)残余种群的种子生产和幼苗募集的影响。用色诱器进行的实验表明,似乎是极光假单胞菌的主要传粉者的埃里斯this甲虫在两个最大的现存种群中含量最高。种子在头花中约80个雌小花中只占很小的比例(通常<10%)。发现在未损坏的头目中平均产生的种子数量在小种群中明显低于大种群。在两个季节中,三个种群在补充授粉后种子集结的显着总体增加明显证明了花粉的限制。种群或年份中,含有头it的种子掠食者的比例没有明显差异,但鳞翅目幼虫在头两个种群中销毁所有种子的鳞翅目幼虫在2003年的两个最大种群中最为丰富。种群中幼稚植物的存在差异显着,但这不能与种子产量的估算牢固地联系在一起。即使花粉限制和捕食严重损害了种子产量,克隆生长也有可能导致少量的G. aurantiaca种群持续存在。



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