
Bio-LNG-greener than gas?


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LNG is one of the cleanest fossil fuels currently available and produces particularly low levels of NOx when burned. It contains virtually no sulphur, hence SOx emissions from engines designed to burn natural gas are negligible. As it burns very cleanly, it produces very few paniculate emissions and contains more hydrogen and less carbon than diesel fuels, CO_2 emissions are reduced. Yet another advantage of LNG is that it has a high energy density, but as Dutch researchers pointed out recently, there is more than one type of LNG available for bunkering ships (that is, other than fossil-fuel LNG). Bio-LNG could, they say, have all the advantages of LNG, and more besides. This was the conclusion of a research project completed recently by the Holland Innovation Team (HIT), whose core business is launching innovative ideas, transforming them into feasible projects and developing new business ventures. It was asked by Senter Novem (part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, which works on behalf of organisations such as the European Union and the International Energy Agency, to carry out a study to compare the benefits of bio-LNG (liquid bio-methane) and compressed bio-methane with other biofuels.
机译:液化天然气是最清洁的化石燃料可用的和生产尤其是低水平的当燃烧氮氧化物。硫,因此袜排放发动机为了燃烧天然气可以忽略不计。它燃烧很干净,它产生很少有圆锥花序的排放和含有更多的氢和更少的碳比柴油燃料,二氧化碳排放是减少了。它具有很高的能量密度,但是荷兰研究人员最近指出,还有更多超过一种类型的液化天然气用于加油化石燃料以外的船只(LNG)。他们说,Bio-LNG可以拥有所有的优势液化天然气,除了。最近完成的一个研究项目荷兰创新团队(打击),其核心业务推出创新的想法,转换成可行的项目企业发展新业务。发送Novem(荷兰部的一部分经济事务,代表工作组织如欧盟和国际能源机构,开展的一项研究比较bio-LNG(液体的好处和压缩bio-methane bio-methane)其他生物燃料。



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