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European biomass:spot eases,near curve firms


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The European wood pellet markets showed signs of bounc-ing back this week,after a month of weak sentiment.Prices for delivered cargoes of industrial-grade pellets for the rest of this year firmed slightly,as the market recovered from the effects of last month’s shutdown at the UK’s Ironbridge power plant.But prices further out on the curve,and in the Baltic and Portuguese markets,were generally lower. Spot prices for pellets delivered into Amsterdam-Rotter-dam-Antwerp(ARA)dipped slightly week on week.There was a greater focus in the market on longer-term contracts than for prompt cargoes.Fundamentals beyond the next few months were largely unchanged since the start of Febru-ary,when Ironbridge shut down,traders said.Prices for Q4 this year bounced back above the$180/t level,for volumes delivered into ARA region,with sellers aiming to get$185/t. That narrowed a spread between Q4 and 2015 that some traders thought had become excessively wide.
机译:在一个月的疲软情绪之后,本周欧洲木屑颗粒市场显示出反弹的迹象。随着市场从上月的影响中恢复过来,今年剩余时间的工业级颗粒颗粒交付货物价格小幅坚挺。英国Ironbridge电厂停工。但价格进一步走高,波罗的海和葡萄牙市场的价格普遍走低。运往阿姆斯特丹-鹿特丹-安特卫普(ARA)的颗粒现货价格每星期略有下降,市场对长期合同的关注比对即期货物的关注更大。交易商称,2月初,铁桥停业。贸易商表示,今年第四季度价格反弹至$ 180 / t以上,运往ARA地区的价格为$ 185 / t。这缩小了第四季度至2015年之间的价差,一些交易员认为该价差过大。



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