首页> 外文期刊>Annals of surgical oncology >Establishing Translational and Clinical Cancer Research Collaborations Between High- and Low-Income Countries

Establishing Translational and Clinical Cancer Research Collaborations Between High- and Low-Income Countries


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Both infectious and noninfectious related malignancies are a growing problem in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). It is difficult to extrapolate data and guidelines regarding cancer care from high-income countries (HIC) to cancer patients in LMIC. Due to the rise in noncommunicable cancer rates, there is a widening gap between the need for evidence-based treatments for cancer control plans and existing research capabilities. Surgeons frequently provide all surgical and medical oncology treatments for patients in LMIC for diseases, such as breast, gastric, cervical, and colorectal cancers. Surgical oncology clinical and translational research collaborations, however, are lacking. There are several successful consortiums that focus on HIV- and infectious-related malignancies. These collaborations can be used as an example for future surgical research efforts. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center-Nigerian collaboration that is concentrating on colorectal cancer is used as an example of how to initiate a research collaboration that can build research infrastructure and provide the necessary data to generate realistic treatment guidelines. The need for expanded surgical oncology research and the growing population of patients with noninfectious-related malignancies in LMIC has created a unique opportunity for surgeons to initiate and lead clinical and translational research collaborations between HIC and LMIC.
机译:在低收入和中等收入国家(LMIC),与传染性和非传染性相关的恶性肿瘤都是一个日益严重的问题。很难将有关高收入国家(HIC)癌症治疗的数据和指南外推到LMIC中的癌症患者。由于非传染性癌症发病率的上升,癌症控制计划对循证治疗的需求与现有研究能力之间的差距越来越大。外科医生经常为LMIC患者的乳腺癌,胃癌,宫颈癌和结直肠癌等疾病提供所有外科和内科肿瘤治疗方法。但是,缺乏外科肿瘤临床和转化研究方面的合作。有几个成功的财团专注于与艾滋病毒和传染病相关的恶性肿瘤。这些合作可以作为未来外科研究工作的一个例子。斯隆·凯特琳纪念癌症中心与尼日利亚的纪念性研究集中在结直肠癌,该研究以如何开展研究合作为例,可以建立研究基础设施并提供必要的数据以生成现实的治疗指南。 LMIC对扩大外科肿瘤学研究的需求以及非感染相关性恶性肿瘤患者的不断增长,为外科医生提供了一个独特的机会,可以启动和领导HIC与LMIC之间的临床和转化研究合作。



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