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T-cell-depleted peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for alpha-mannosidosis.


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Alpha-mannosidosis (alpha-mannosidosis) is a lysosomal storage disease characterized by accumulation of oligosaccharides in various tissues leading to symptoms such as coarse facial features, dysostosis multiplex, hearing disabilities, mental developmental delay and skeletal involvement (dysostosis multiplex). Without treatment, the severe infantile onset form of this autosomal recessive disease leads to progressive neurodegeneration and sometimes to early death. Stem cell transplantation has been shown to be an effective treatment. In the five patients published so far, correction of skeletal abnormalities and improvement of neuropsychological capabilities have been observed. We report the first patient who received a T-cell-depleted peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) for alpha-mannosidosis. The diagnosis of alpha-mannosidosis was made at the age of 14 months. At the age of 24 months, he underwent PBSCT with T-cell depletion by CD34-positive selection from his HLA phenotypically identical mother. Conditioning was carried out with busulfan (20 mg/kg), cyclophosphamide (200 mg/kg), OKT3 and methylprednisolone. The patient is alive and well 27 months after PBSCT and has made significant developmental progress. The pattern of urinary oligosaccharides has returned to almost normal. CD34-positive-selected PBSCT is a feasible option to reduce risk for GVHD for these patients.
机译:α-甘露糖苷病(α-甘露糖苷病)是一种溶酶体贮积病,其特征在于低聚糖在各种组织中的积累,导致诸如面部特征粗大,营养不良,听力障碍,智力发育迟缓和骨骼受累(骨质疏松症)等症状。如果不进行治疗,这种常染色体隐性疾病的严重婴儿发作形式会导致进行性神经变性,有时会导致早期死亡。干细胞移植已被证明是一种有效的治疗方法。迄今为止,在五名患者中,观察到骨骼异常的矫正和神经心理能力的改善。我们报告的第一例患者接受了T细胞耗竭的外周血干细胞移植(PBSCT)的α-甘露糖苷病。诊断是在14个月大时进行的。在24个月大时,他接受了HLA表型相同的母亲通过CD34阳性选择进行T细胞清除的PBSCT。用白消安(20 mg / kg),环磷酰胺(200 mg / kg),OKT3和甲基泼尼松龙进行调理。该患者在PBSCT术后27个月还活着并且已经发展良好。尿中低聚糖的形态已恢复到几乎正常的水平。 CD34阳性选择的PBSCT是降低这些患者发生GVHD风险的可行选择。



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