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Gray-scale perceptions calculated: Optimum display background luminance


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The following questions motivated this study, which summarizes and illustrates the answers. How can the number of gray levels visible on a display be maximized? How can a designer maximize the discriminability of a set of gray symbols that use only a part of the luminance range available from the display technology? Can we calculate whether particular shades of gray will be discriminable from each other? How big should successive gray-scale steps be (in luminance, reflectance, or optical density) to make them appear equal? How many discriminable shades of gray can be seen with a particular display technology in a particular Light environment? What is the probability that two specified shades of gray will be mistaken for each other at a glance? How does the luminance of the screen background affect the visibility of gray symbols? Is there a single principle that describes the appearances of areas more luminous than the background (positive contrasts) and less luminous areas (negative contrasts)? Limitations on the answers are discussed, issues for further research are suggested, and applications are described. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.
机译:以下问题推动了本研究的进行,该研究总结并举例说明了答案。如何最大化显示屏上可见的灰度等级数量?设计人员如何才能最大限度地提高仅使用显示技术可用亮度范围的一部分的一组灰色符号的可分辨性?我们可以计算出是否可以区分出特定的灰色阴影吗?连续的灰度级应达到多大(亮度,反射率或光密度)以使它们看起来相等?在特定的光照环境中,使用特定的显示技术可以看到多少可识别的灰色阴影?一眼看到两个指定的灰色阴影会相互混淆的可能性是多少?屏幕背景的亮度如何影响灰色符号的可见性?是否有一个单一的原理来描述比背景发光的区域(正对比度)和发光程度较低的区域(负对比度)的外观?讨论了答案的局限性,提出了需要进一步研究的问题,并描述了其应用。 (C)1997年美国眼镜学会。



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