首页> 外文期刊>Applied optics >Supported planar germanium waveguides for infrared evanescent-wave sensing

Supported planar germanium waveguides for infrared evanescent-wave sensing


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We have fabricated miniature planar IR waveguides with thicknesses of 30-50 μm, consisting of 12-mm long, 2-mm wide strips of Ge supported on ZnS substrates. Evidence for efficient propagation of broadband IR light through these waveguides is provided by the presence of characteristic high- and low-frequency optical cutoffs of Ge: by the observation of an oscillatory interference pattern m the transmittance spectrum, which exhibits a dependence on waveguide thickness and propagation angle that closely matches waveguide theory; and by the detection of strong evanescent-wave absorption from small (2 mm↑(2) droplets of liquid, e.g., water, on the waveguide surface. As also predicted by theory, the surface sensitivity (detected light absorbance per unit area of sample-waveguide contact) is shown to increase as a function of incidence or bevel angle. # 1997 Optical Society of America
机译:我们已经制造了厚度为30-50μm的微型平面IR波导,该波导由支撑在ZnS衬底上的12毫米长,2毫米宽的Ge条带组成。 Ge的特征高频和低频光学截止的存在为宽带红外光通过这些波导的有效传播提供了证据:通过观察透射光谱中的振荡干涉图,该干涉图显示出对波导厚度和波长的依赖性。与波导理论非常匹配的传播角度;并通过从波导表面上小的(2 mm↑(2))液体小滴(2 mm↑(2)滴)中检测到强的van逝波吸收。如理论上所预测,表面灵敏度(检测到的样品在单位面积上的吸光度) -波导接触)随着入射角或斜角的增加而增加(#1997美国光学学会)



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