首页> 外文期刊>Brain and language >Dissociating frontal regions that co-lateralize with different ventral occipitotemporal regions during word processing

Dissociating frontal regions that co-lateralize with different ventral occipitotemporal regions during word processing


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The ventral occipitotemporal sulcus (vOT) sustains strong interactions with the inferior frontal cortex during word processing. Consequently, activation in both regions co-lateralize towards the same hemisphere in healthy subjects. Because the determinants of lateralisation differ across posterior, middle and anterior vOT subregions, we investigated whether lateralisation in different inferior frontal regions would co-vary with lateralisation in the three different vOT subregions. A whole brain analysis found that, during semantic decisions on written words, laterality covaried in (1) posterior vOT and the precentral gyrus; (2) middle vOT and the pars opercularis, pars triangularis, and supramarginal gyrus; and (3) anterior vOT and the pars orbitalis, middle frontal gyrus and thalamus. These findings increase the spatial resolution of our understanding of how vOT interacts with other brain areas during semantic categorisation on words.
机译:在文字处理过程中,腹枕颞沟(vOT)与下额叶皮层保持强烈的相互作用。因此,在健康受试者中,这两个区域的激活都朝着相同的半球偏侧。由于横向化的决定因素在后,中和前vOT子区域之间是不同的,因此我们研究了不同的下额叶额叶区域的横向化是否会与三个不同的vOT子区域的横向化同时发生。全脑分析发现,在对单词进行语义决策时,偏侧在(1)后vOT和前中央回中共变; (2)中间vOT和pars opercularis,pars triangleis和上颌上回; (3)前vOT和眶旁,额中回和丘脑。这些发现提高了我们对单词在语义分类过程中vOT如何与其他大脑区域相互作用的理解的空间分辨率。



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