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Synthetic discriminant function filter employing nonlinear space-domain preprocessing on bandpass-filtered images


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Previously [Appl. Opt. 36, p. 9212 (1997)] we examined the performance of the linear and nonlinear preprocessed difference-of-Gaussians filter, and it was shown that this operation results in greater tolerance to in-class variations while maintaining excellent discrimination ability. The introduction of nonlinearity was shown to provide greater robustness to the filter's response to noise and background clutter in the input scene. We incorporate this new operation into the synthesis of a modified synthetic discriminant function filter. The filter is shown to produce sharp peaks, excellent discrimination without the need to include out-of-class objects, and good invariance to out-of-plane rotation over a distortion range of up to 90°. Additionally, the introduction of nonlinearity is shown to provide greater robustness of the filter response to background clutter in the input scene. # 1998 Optical Society of Amnerica OCIS codes: 100.5010, 100.7410, 100.6740.
机译:以前[Appl。选择。第36页[9212(1997)]我们检查了线性和非线性预处理的高斯差分滤波器的性能,结果表明,该操作在保持出色的区分能力的同时,对类内变异具有更大的容忍度。非线性的引入显示出为滤波器对输入场景中噪声和背景杂波的响应提供了更高的鲁棒性。我们将此新操作合并到修改后的合成判别函数滤波器的合成中。滤波器显示出尖锐的峰值,出色的辨别力,而无需包括不合格的物体,并且在高达90°的失真范围内对平面外旋转具有良好的不变性。另外,显示了非线性的引入,以提供对输入场景中背景杂波的滤波器响应更大的鲁棒性。 1998年美国Amnerica光学协会OCIS编码:100.5010、100.7410、100.6740。



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