首页> 外文期刊>Applied occupational and environmental hygiene >Determination of firefighter exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and benzene during fire fighting using measurement of biological indicators.

Determination of firefighter exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and benzene during fire fighting using measurement of biological indicators.


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In accomplishing their duties, firefighters are potentially exposed to a vast array of toxic combustion and pyrolysis products such as benzene, carbon monoxide, acrolein, nitrogen dioxide, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Exposure to PAH and benzene was assessed by means of urinary measurements of 1-hydroxypyrene and t,t-muconic acid, respectively. All urine samples were collected from 43 firefighters during a period extending for 20 h following the end of exposure during a fire. A control sample was also obtained from each participant after at least four days without involvement in fire fighting activities. Only one control 1-hydroxypyrene measurement exceeded the value of 0.32 micromol/mol creatinine considered as the 95th percentile of a normal reference population in this study. Following exposure, 38 percent of the maximum values of all samples collected from each firefighter exceeded this reference value. The highest single value observed in this study was 3.6 micromol/mol creatinine. None of the control samples had a t,t-muconic acid concentration above the limit of detection. A large number (81%) of post-fire samples also had nonquantifiable concentrations of this metabolite. Among 43 firefighters in this study, 17 had measurable excretion of this metabolite in any of the urine samples after fire fighting and, of the latter group, only 6 had t,t-muconic acid concentrations exceeding 1.1 mmol/mol creatinine, a value considered to correspond to a benzene-air concentration of approximately 1 ppm according to the literature. There is clear evidence that fire fighting activities are associated with exposure to PAH above environmental background, as assessed by 1-hydroxypyrene measurements, despite the use of protective equipment. However, in comparison with observations made in other cohorts of industrial workers with known polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure, firefighters' exposure in this study was low. Similarly, based on t,t-muconic acid determinations, exposure to benzene was rather low in this study. For both contaminants, observation of low exposure could be due to either low concentrations of the contaminant during fire fighting or to the efficiency of protective equipment worn.
机译:在履行职责时,消防员可能会接触大量有毒的燃烧和热解产物,例如苯,一氧化碳,丙烯醛,二氧化氮和多环芳烃。分别通过尿液中的1-羟基py和t,t-粘康酸来评估PAH和苯的暴露。在大火暴露结束后持续20小时的时间内,从43名消防员那里收集了所有尿液样本。至少在四天后没有参加灭火活动,也从每个参与者中获得了对照样品。在本研究中,只有一个对照1-羟基py的测量值超过了0.32微摩尔/摩尔肌酐的值,该值被认为是正常参考人群的第95个百分点。接触后,从每个消防员收集的所有样品的最大值的38%超过了该参考值。在这项研究中观察到的最高单值是3.6 micromol / mol肌酐。对照样品的t,t-粘康酸浓度均未超过检测极限。大量(81%)火灾后样品也具有不可量化的这种代谢物浓度。在该研究的43名消防员中,消防后的任何尿液样本中都有17种代谢物可测量的排泄物,在后一组中,只有6名的t,t-粘康酸浓度超过1.1 mmol / mol肌酐。根据文献,其对应于约1ppm的苯空气浓度。有明显的证据表明,尽管使用了防护设备,但通过1-羟基py的测量,消防活动与暴露于高于环境背景的PAH有关。但是,与其他队列中已知多环芳烃暴露的工业工人相比,本研究中消防员的暴露水平较低。同样,根据叔丁基粘康酸的测定,本研究中苯的暴露量也很低。对于这两种污染物,观察到低暴露可能是由于消防过程中污染物浓度低或磨损的防护设备的效率。



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