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Mechanisms and networks of motoneuronal control during sleep: introduction.


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The front and center questions in neuroscience today are "What and how is the brain thinking?" To find the answers, researchers "connect the dots" and look for clues based on electrical, magnetic, biochemical and behavioral signals generated in the nervous system. Ultimately, it is the motor activity, or more generally the outcomes determined by the levels of activity in the last order neurons that control the muscles and other effector organs, which informs us about the state of the brain in health and disease. This Special Issue offers a collection of review and research articles that focus on the mechanisms and networks underlying motoneuronal control during sleep. The topic may seem paradoxical, just as one of the stages of sleep that bears this name, because the roots of Western culture associated sleep with an immobility akin to death. Indeed, the phrase "There she met Sleep, Death's brother," attributed to Homer in The Illiad (Homer, 2008), inspired many artists and philosophers, including Virgil (70 BC - 19 BC), Ovid (43 BC - AD 17/18), William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Sir Thomas Brown (1605-1682), Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), and Edgar Allen Poe (1809-1849), to see sleep and life as opposites. It was so till Charles Dickens (1812-1870) called the parallel between sleep and death a "poor hollow mockery [of sleep]," and asked: "Where, in the sharp lineaments of rigid and unsightly death, is the calm beauty of slumber, telling of rest for the waking hours that are past, and gentle hopes and loves for those which are to come? Lay death and sleep down, side by side, and say who shall find the two akin" (Dickens, 1960). This is perhaps not surprising from the man who also saw the Pickwickian syndrome for what it was -- a medical condition distinctly affecting breathing during wakefulness and sleep. Thereafter, scientific foundations of the modern concepts of sleep as an active and regulated state were developed by Constantine von Economo (1876-1931) based on his analysis of brains from patients with "encephalitis lethargica" (Economo, 1930; see Triarhou, 2006 for a historical overview). This was followed by a formal description of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a state characterized by extremely high level of brain activity (Aserinsky and Kleitman, 1953; Jouvet and Michel, 1958; Jouvet, 1962).
机译:当今神经科学中最主要和最中心的问题是“大脑在思考什么以及如何思考?”为了找到答案,研究人员“连接了点”,并根据神经系统中产生的电,磁,生化和行为信号寻找线索。归根结底,是运动活动,或更普遍地说,是由控制肌肉和其他效应器器官的末级神经元的活动水平所决定的结果,向我们通知了大脑在健康和疾病方面的状况。本期特刊提供了一系列的综述和研究文章,这些文章着重于睡眠过程中神经元控制的机制和网络。这个话题似乎是自相矛盾的,就像以这个名字命名的睡眠阶段之一一样,因为西方文化的根源将睡眠与无法移动的死亡联系在一起。的确,《荷里活》(The Illiad)中的荷马(Homer,2008)赋予了“在那里她遇见了死亡,死亡的兄弟”一词,这启发了许多艺术家和哲学家,包括维吉尔(Virgil(70 BC-19 BC),奥维德(43 BC-AD 17 / 18),威廉·莎士比亚(1564-1616),托马斯·布朗爵士(1605-1682),珀西·比谢·雪莱(1792-1822)和埃德加·艾伦·坡(1809-1849),将睡眠和生活视为对立面。直到查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens,1812-1870年)称睡眠与死亡之间的相似之处为“可怜的空心嘲笑(睡眠)”,并问到:“在僵硬而难看的死亡的鲜明特征中,睡着了,睡着了,讲述了过去的清醒时光,对即将来临的人怀有希望和热爱。并肩并肩躺下睡死,说谁能找到两个相似的人(狄更斯,1960年)。对于那位也看到了匹克威克综合症的人来说,这也许并不奇怪。那是一种医学状况,明显影响清醒和睡眠期间的呼吸。此后,康斯坦丁·冯·埃科诺莫(Constantine von Economo(1876-1931))根据对“脑炎性脑炎”患者大脑的分析,为现代睡眠概念(活跃和可调节的状态)奠定了科学基础(Economo,1930;参见Triarhou,2006)。历史概述)。之后是对快速眼动(REM)睡眠的正式描述,该状态的特点是大脑活动水平极高(Aserinsky和Kleitman,1953年; Jouvet和Michel,1958年; Jouvet,1962年)。



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