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When the mother is a child: the impact of child marriage on the health and human rights of girls.


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Child marriage (marriage before age 18 years) is an internationally recognised health and human rights violation disproportionately affecting girls, globally. Although the practice of girl child marriage has decreased substantially over the past 20 years, it remains strikingly pervasive in some world regions, particularly South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa where up to 50-70% of girls in some countries are married prior to age 18 years. However, the practice is not limited to these areas of the world. Parts of Latin America and Eastern Europe report rates of child marriage greater than 10-20% among females, and even high development nations see some cases of child marriage. Currently, over 60 million women and girls worldwide are affected by child marriage.
机译:童婚(18岁之前结婚)是国际公认的侵犯健康和人权的行为,在全球范围内对女孩的影响尤其严重。尽管在过去的20年中,童女婚姻的做法已大大减少,但在世界一些地区,尤其是南亚和撒哈拉以南非洲,这种现象仍然非常普遍,在某些国家,某些国家的女童婚前年龄达到50-70% 18年。但是,这种做法并不局限于世界上的这些地区。拉丁美洲和东欧的部分地区报告说,女性的童婚率超过10%至20%,即使是高发展国家,也有一些童婚的案例。目前,全世界有六千万妇女和女童受到童婚的影响。



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