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Born in Bradford: consanguinity and birth defects


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For decades, many have commented on the unusually high rate of congenital anomalies and metabolic disorders in certain northern and midland English cities. Some have linked this to their large Pakistani Muslim populations, who have a tradition of consanguinous marriage; others blame it on high levels of poverty and deprivation. Now, an important paper published in The Lancet helps us get some perspective (Sheridan et al. Lancet 2013;382:1350-9). The Born in Bradford study obtained questionnaire responses from nearly 11 400 mothers who gave birth in the Yorkshire city between 2007 and 2011, and linked them with hospital diagnosis data for a broadly-defined range of major congenital anomalies and metabolic disorders. The mothers self-reported their ethnicity, consanguinous marriages, socioeconomic and educational status.
机译:几十年来,许多人对某些北部和中部英国城市异常高的先天性异常和代谢紊乱发表了评论。有些人把这与他们的大量巴基斯坦穆斯林人口联系在一起,他们有着近亲通婚的传统。其他人则将其归咎于高度贫困和匮乏。现在,《柳叶刀》上发表的重要论文帮助我们获得了一些见解(Sheridan等人,柳叶刀,2013; 382:1350-9)。 Bord in Bradford研究获得了2007年至2011年在约克郡市分娩的近11400位母亲的问卷调查问卷答复,并将其与广泛定义的主要先天性异常和代谢异常的医院诊断数据相关联。母亲们自我报告了自己的种族,近亲婚姻,社会经济和教育状况。



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