首页> 外文期刊>Archives of dermatological research. >Number of cell layers of the stratum corneum in normal skin - relationship to the anatomical location on the body, age, sex and physical parameters.

Number of cell layers of the stratum corneum in normal skin - relationship to the anatomical location on the body, age, sex and physical parameters.


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We counted the number of cell layers in the stratum corneum (SC) of normal skin taken from different anatomical locations of the body of 301 individuals of various ages. Frozen 6 &mgr;m thick sections were stained with a 1% aqueous solution of safranin and observed under a microscope after application of 2% KOH solution. There were great variations in the number of SC cell layers (mean +/- SD) according to location and among different individuals. The smallest number was found in genital skin (6 +/- 2), followed in order by skin of the face (9 +/- 2), neck (10 +/- 2), scalp (12 +/- 2), trunk (13 +/- 4), extremities (15 +/- 4) and the palms and soles (47 +/- 24). The heel showed the largest number (86 +/- 36). No definite correlation was found between the number of corneocyte layers and sex of the individual, whereas there was a slight increase in the number of SC layers with age in the skin of the cheek and back, particularly in male individuals. Comparison of these data with those from functional assessments of the SC of the skin from various locations of healthy adults showed that transepidermal water loss, an indicator of SC barrier function, reflected the number of corneocyte cell layers. In contrast, high-frequency conductance, an indicator of the hydration state of the outer SC, did not seem to be under the influence simply of the number of SC cell layers.
机译:我们计算了从301个不同年龄个体的身体不同解剖位置获取的正常皮肤角质层(SC)中的细胞层数。将冷冻的6μm厚的切片用1%的番红蛋白水溶液染色,并在施加2%的KOH溶液后在显微镜下观察。根据位置以及不同个体之间,SC细胞层的数量存在很大差异(平均+/- SD)。生殖器皮肤的数量最少(6 +/- 2),其次是面部皮肤(9 +/- 2),颈部(10 +/- 2),头皮(12 +/- 2),躯干(13 +/- 4),四肢(15 +/- 4)和手掌和脚底(47 +/- 24)。脚跟显示最大数量(86 +/- 36)。在角质细胞层的数量和个体的性别之间没有确定的相关性,而脸颊和背部的皮肤,尤其是男性个体中,SC层的数量随年龄的增长而略有增加。这些数据与健康成人各个部位皮肤SC功能评估的数据进行比较,结果表明,表皮失水(SC屏障功能的指标)反映了角质细胞层的数量。相反,高频电导,即外部SC的水合状态的指标,似乎并不仅仅受SC细胞层数的影响。



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