首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture >Formation of periphyton biofilm and subsequent biofouling on different substrates in nutrient enriched brackishwater shrimp ponds

Formation of periphyton biofilm and subsequent biofouling on different substrates in nutrient enriched brackishwater shrimp ponds


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Periphyton grown on substrates is known to improve water quality in aquaculture ponds. Five different substrates, (i) bamboo pipe (ii) plastic sheet (iii) polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe (iv) fibrous scrubber, and, (v) ceramic tile were evaluated for the formation of biofilm in this experiment. The substrates were suspended 25 cm below the water surface. Each type of substrate was collected fortnightly to analyze the abundance and biomass of different periphytic algae and of the biofouling organism. The study was terminated after 60 days due to severe fouling by polychaete. Results showed that pond water nutrients were high on day 60 with mean total ammonia-N, nitrite-N and soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations of 309.6 pl 8.6 og L- 1, 26.0 pl 2.7 og L- 1 and 87.2 pl 7.1 og L- 1 respectively. During the first two weeks the substrates were colonized by 19 periphytic algae. The most abundant family was Bacillariophyta (8 genera) followed by Chlorophyta (7 genera) and Cyanophyta (4 genera). Periphyton colonization on bamboo pipe showed the highest (p < 0.05) biomass in terms of chlorophyll a amongst all the substrates used. The biomass varied from 179 to 1137 og m- 2 with mean values of 1137.2 pl 0.6, 929.6 pl 0.6, 684.2 pl 1.2, 179.1 pl 0.6 and 657.0 pl 0.6 og m- 2 on bamboo pipe, PVC pipe, plastic sheet, fibrous scrubber and ceramic tile respectively for the first 15 days. From 3rd week, polychaetes began to form tubes on the substrate. By day 60, the whole surface of all substrates was covered with tightly packed polychaete tubes with mean densities of 168.0 pl 15.4, 121.0 pl 13.5, 72.8 pl 9.8, 72.4 pl 7.4 and 56.0 pl 6.8 polychaete tubes cm- 2 for bamboo, PVC, plastic, fibrous scrubber and ceramic tile respectively. This study illustrated the invasive nature of attached polychaete thus hampering the formation of periphyton biofilm on substrates which could have been used for improving water quality in enriched brackishwater shrimp ponds.
机译:已知在基质上生长的附生植物可改善水产养殖池塘的水质。在该实验中,评估了五种不同的基材,(i)竹管(ii)塑料板(iii)聚氯乙烯(PVC)管(iv)纤维洗涤器,以及(v)瓷砖。将基材悬浮在水面以下25 cm处。每两周收集一次每种底物,以分析不同的附生藻类和生物污染生物的丰度和生物量。由于多毛cha严重结垢,该研究在60天后终止。结果表明,第60天池塘水养分较高,平均总氨氮,亚硝酸盐氮和可溶性反应性磷浓度分别为309.6 pl 8.6 og L-1、26.0 pl 2.7 og L-1和87.2 pl 7.1 og L-1分别。在最初的两周内,底物被19种周生藻类定殖。最丰富的科是芽孢杆菌(8属),其次是绿藻(7属)和蓝藻(4属)。在所有使用的基质中,以叶绿素a计,竹管上的附生植物定殖显示出最高(p <0.05)生物量。竹管,PVC管,塑料板,纤维洗涤器上的生物量在179至1137 og m-2之间变化,平均值分别为1137.2 pl 0.6、929.6 pl 0.6、684.2 pl 1.2、179.1 pl 0.6和657.0 pl 0.6 og m-2前15天分别使用瓷砖和瓷砖。从第3周起,多毛cha开始在底物上形成管子。到第60天时,所有基材的整个表面都被紧密包装的多沙皮管覆盖,其平均密度分别为168.0 pl 15.4、121.0 pl 13.5、72.8 pl 9.8、72.4 pl 7.4和56.0 pl 6.8竹木,PVC,塑料,纤维洗涤器和瓷砖。这项研究说明了附着的多毛类动物的侵袭性,从而阻碍了基质上附生植物生物膜的形成,这些基质本来可以用来改善咸淡水虾塘中的水质。



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