首页> 外文期刊>Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio >Materials Science on research in Spain. Evolution on thirty last years. (1980-2010).

Materials Science on research in Spain. Evolution on thirty last years. (1980-2010).

机译:西班牙研究材料科学。过去三十年的演变。 (1980-2010)。

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The great development experienced by material research in Spain during the last 30 years has been, in great part, a consequence of the initiative of the National Research Council of Spain (CSIC) of including Material Science as a priority area in its Scientific Programme in the years 1980. Four new institutes for research in advanced materials were created in 1985-1986 in Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla and Zaragoza, the last two in cooperation with the respective universities. A Scientific Advisory Committee, whose members were scientists of great prestige at the international level, was nominated by the CSIC in order to guarantee a high standard in the research activities of the new centres. Sources for funding material research projects existed at three levels: a) the Framework Programme of the European Union; b) the National Programme for Scientific Research and Tchnological development of the Spanish Governement and c) the Institutional Research Programme of the CSIC. An important increase of the research activity has taken place during the last 30 years, as indicated by the number of papers published in international journals, Finally, an analiysis of the actual situation of research activities in material research concerning the public sector (universities and research organisms) and the industrial sector, is presented.
机译:在过去的30年中,西班牙材料研究取得了巨大发展,这在很大程度上是西班牙国家研究委员会(CSIC)提出的将材料科学列为其科学计划中优先领域的成果。 1980年。1985-1986年在巴塞罗那,马德里,塞维利亚和萨拉戈萨创建了四个新的高级材料研究机构,最后两个与相应大学合作。 CSIC提名了一个科学顾问委员会,该委员会的成员是国际知名的科学家,以确保新中心的研究活动具有高水准。物质研究项目的资金来源分为三个层次:a)欧洲联盟框架计划; b)西班牙政府的国家科学研究和技术发展计划,以及c)CSIC的机构研究计划。正如国际期刊上发表的论文数量所表明的那样,过去30年中研究活动发生了重要的增长。最后,对有关公共部门(大学和研究机构)的物质研究活动的实际情况进行了分析。生物)和工业部门。



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