首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Economics & Management >The bio-economic costs and benefits of improving productivity and fish welfare in aquaculture: utilizing CO2 stripping technology in Norwegian Atlantic salmon smolt production. (Special Issue: The economic costs & benefits of fish welfare management.)

The bio-economic costs and benefits of improving productivity and fish welfare in aquaculture: utilizing CO2 stripping technology in Norwegian Atlantic salmon smolt production. (Special Issue: The economic costs & benefits of fish welfare management.)

机译:在水产养殖中提高生产力和鱼类福利的生物经济成本和收益:在挪威大西洋鲑鱼养殖中利用CO 2 剥离技术。 (特刊:鱼类福利管理的经济成本和收益。)

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High dissolved CO2 levels in tank water are potentially detrimental to the production and welfare of Atlantic salmon smolts in Norwegian hatcheries. A potential welfare action for reducing CO2 levels is to deploy CO2 stripping technology. The economic consequences of using this approach were modelled using a bio-economic decision analysis tool. Results from the model showed that farmers can improve fish welfare and their profits by utilizing CO2 stripping technology, as costs of implementing the welfare action were less than the potential bio-economic benefits that can be achieved through improved productivity and any potential added value for improving the welfare of smolts.
机译:储罐水中溶解的高浓度CO 2 可能有害于挪威孵化场的大西洋鲑鱼。降低CO 2 水平的一项潜在的福利措施是部署CO 2 汽提技术。使用这种方法的经济后果是通过生物经济决策分析工具建模的。该模型的结果表明,通过实施CO 2 剥离技术,养殖者可以提高鱼类福利和利润,因为实施福利行动的成本少于通过改善二氧化碳可实现的潜在生物经济效益。生产力和任何可能提高鲑鱼福利的潜在附加值。



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