首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Economics & Management >Comparative cost of production of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) fry in recirculating and flow-through systems in Kuwait

Comparative cost of production of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) fry in recirculating and flow-through systems in Kuwait

机译:科威特循环和流通系统中尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus L.)鱼苗的比较生产成本

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This study tested the Kuwaiti new indoor tilapia hatchery using the recirculating system, and compared its production costs with those in the flow-through system. Breeders were stocked at 4 fish/m~2 at 1:3 male: female sex ratio. Seeds were harvested every two weeks for a period of 1.5 years. Seed production ranged from 45 - 52 seed/m~2/d and 105 - 130 seed/kg female/d. Water quality parameters in the different components stayed below lethal concentration. Analysis of the capital and operating expenses revealed that the new recirculating system cost 9.4 cents per fry compared with 11.0 cents in the flow-through system. Operating expenses accounted for 67.14 percent of the total annual costs. Salary and wages were the major cost item (74.87 percent) of the operating expenses. The cost of producing 0.5-g fry was 6.2 cents per fry. With the use of more spawning and fry rearing tanks, production can be increased from 630,000 to 735,000 1.0-g fry or 950,000 0.5-g with a corresponding decrease in the costs per fry to 7.3 cents and 5.7 cents, respectively.
机译:这项研究使用循环系统对科威特新型室内罗非鱼孵化场进行了测试,并将其生产成本与流通系统的成本进行了比较。雌雄比例为1:3,繁殖量为4条鱼/平方米〜2。每两周收获一次种子,为期1.5年。种子产量为45-52种子/ m〜2 / d和105-130种子/ kg雌/ d。不同组成部分的水质参数保持在致死浓度以下。对资本和运营费用的分析显示,新的再循环系统每度油炸的成本为9.4美分,而流通系统的成本为11.0美分。营业费用占年度总费用的67.14%。薪金和工资是营业支出的主要成本项目(74.87%)。生产0.5克鱼苗的成本为每鱼6.2美分。通过使用更多的产卵和鱼苗饲养池,产量可以从630,000克鱼苗增加到735,000克/克或950,000 0.5克鱼苗/克,将鱼苗的成本分别降低到7.3美分和5.7美分。



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