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Recent developments in the application of live feeds in the freshwater ornamental fish culture


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The industrial development of freshwater ornamental fish culture has been hampered by the lack of suitable live feeds for feeding the fish at the various production stages. This paper reports the recent developments in the applications of the freshwater rotifers (Brachionus calyciflorus), Artemia nauplii, decapsulated Artemia cysts and on-grown Artemia in the freshwater ornamental fish culture. Results demonstrate that the rotifers are an ideal starter feed for dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia), a typical freshwater ornamental fish species with larvae that are too small to ingest Artemia nauplii or Moina at its first feeding. Compared with the conventional yolk food, the use of rotifers as a starter feed significantly improves the growth and survival of the gourami larvae (Days 2-12), and the beneficial effects are extended to the subsequent Artemia-feeding phase (Days 13-32). The freshwater rotifers and Artemia nauplii are also useful in raising Discus larvae in the absence of their parents, which would eliminate the risk of larvae being eaten by the parent fish. Work on decapsulated Artemia cysts indicates that the cysts could be used as a substitute for Artemia nauplii or Moina in freshwater ornamental fish culture. The fry of all the five common ornamental fish species tested (guppy Poecilia reticulata, molly Poecilia sphenops, platy Xiphophorus maculatus, swordtail Xiphophorus helleri and neon tetra Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) could readily feed on the decapsulated cysts, and their performances in terms of stress resistance, growth and survival are comparable to or better than those fed on Artemia nauplii or Moina. A culture system for production of on-grown Artemia has also been developed specifically for the use in freshwater ornamental fish farms. The system, using diluted artificial seawater of 20parts per thousand for culture, has a mean production rate of 3 kg/m(3) of water in a 12-day cycle and a production capacity of 8 metric tons of on-grown Artemia a year. With the system, farmers could produce any specific size of on-gown Artemia of up to 5 mm to suit the age and size of their fish, by varying the time of harvesting. This characteristic, coupled with the use of bioencapsulation technique to enhance the quality of the on-grown Artemia, would make the organism an ideal nursery diet for freshwater ornamental fish. All these results show that the live feeds used in marine foodfish hatchery could be applied to freshwater ornamental fish culture to improve their performance.
机译:淡水观赏鱼养殖的工业发展因缺乏适合在各个生产阶段喂鱼的活饲料而受到阻碍。本文报道了淡水轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus),无节肢动物无节幼体,解囊的有卤虫囊肿和成年卤虫在淡水观赏鱼养殖中的最新应用进展。结果表明,轮虫是侏儒古拉米(Colisa lalia)(一种典型的淡水观赏鱼)幼体的理想起子饲料,矮小古拉米的幼体太小,无法在首次喂养时摄入无节幼体或无性系。与常规蛋黄食品相比,使用轮虫作为起始饲料可显着改善古拉米幼虫的生长和存活(第2-12天),并且有益效果扩展到随后的卤虫喂养阶段(第13-32天) )。淡水轮虫和卤虫无节幼体也可在没有父母的情况下饲养铁饼幼虫,这将消除幼虫被亲鱼食用的风险。拆封的Artemia囊肿的研究表明,这些囊肿可以用作淡水观赏鱼养殖中的无节节性无节幼体或Moina的替代品。测试的所有五种常见观赏鱼(孔雀鱼Poecilia reticulata,莫利Poecilia sphenops,板状Xiphophorus maculatus,剑尾Xiphophorus helleri和霓虹灯四Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi)的鱼苗都可以很容易地以去囊化的囊肿为食,并且在抗逆性方面表现出色其生长和存活率与以无节制无节幼体或Moina喂养的那些相当或更好。还专门开发了用于生产成年卤虫的养殖系统,用于淡水观赏鱼养殖场。该系统使用每千份20份稀释的人工海水进行养殖,在12天的周期内平均生产速度为3 kg / m(3)水,每年生产8公吨卤虫的生产能力。借助该系统,养殖者可以通过改变收获时间来生产任何特定大小的高达5毫米的长袍卤虫,以适应其鱼的年龄和大小。这一特征,再加上使用生物封装技术来提高生长中的卤虫的质量,将使该生物体成为淡水观赏鱼的理想苗圃饮食。所有这些结果表明,海洋食用鱼孵化场中使用的活饲料可用于淡水观赏鱼养殖,以提高其性能。



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