首页> 外文期刊>Aquacultural Engineering: An International Journal >Evaluation of brook trout production in a coldwater recycle aquaculture system

Evaluation of brook trout production in a coldwater recycle aquaculture system


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Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are a commercially important coldwater species reared in Wisconsin and the Midwestern United States. Brook trout are raised by private, tribal, state, and federal fish hatchery facilities in Wisconsin. Approximately 10% of private coldwater aquaculture operations are presently raising brook trout of various strains for stocking uses and a limited amount for food markets. Growing brook trout to a larger size, if they can be reared in a shorter time span, may present a potential new sector for the aquaculture market in the Midwestern US. The present study reports hatchery production attributes, i.e., growth, survival, fin condition, feed efficiency, water chemistry requirements and general husbandry of Lake Superior strain (Nipigon) brook trout reared in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), operated at an average temperature of 13pC. The recycle system at NADF reared 1379kg of brook trout over a 10-month period from fingerling (9g) to market size (340-454g). The trout grew faster (0.84g/day and 0.64mm/day) in the RAS than fish cultured in traditional flow-through tank culture utilizing ground water at 7.6pC (0.14g/day and 0.35mm/day). Final average weight of RAS fish was 260g, while the flow-through fish averaged 65g. Final tank densities for the RAS averaged 40.4kg/mpd while flow-through tanks averaged 31.2kg/mpd. Throughout the project, feed conversions in the RAS ranged from 0.9 to 1.3. Water quality variables such as TAN, nitrite, DO, temperature, TSS, CO, ph, etc. were within safe limits for brook trout and will be discussed. It does appear from this initial research project that market size brook trout can be raised successfully in a recycle system within a similar time frame as a rainbow trout produced in a Wisconsin typical flow-through facility.
机译:溪鳟(Salvelinus fontinalis)是在威斯康星州和美国中西部饲养的商业上重要的冷水物种。威斯康星州的私家,部落,州和联邦鱼类孵化场饲养鳟鱼。目前,大约有10%的私人冷水养殖活动正在养成各种菌株的小鳟鱼,用于放养用途,数量有限,用于食品市场。如果可以在更短的时间内饲养小尺寸的鳟鱼,则可能会成为美国中西部水产养殖市场的潜在新领域。本研究报告了孵化场的生产属性,即在平均温度下运行的循环水产养殖系统(RAS)中饲养的苏必利尔湖品系(Nipigon)溪鳟的生长,存活,鳍状况,饲料效率,水化学要求和一般饲养13pC。 NADF的回收系统在10个月内从鱼种(9g)到市场规模(340-454g)饲养了1379kg的鳟鱼。与传统的流通池养殖中使用7.6pC的地下水(0.14g /天和0.35mm /天)养殖的鱼相比,RAS中的鳟鱼生长速度更快(0.84g /天和0.64mm /天)。 RAS鱼的最终平均重量为260g,流水鱼的平均重量为65g。 RAS的最终油箱密度平均为40.4kg / mpd,而流通油箱的平均密度为31.2kg / mpd。在整个项目中,RAS中的feed转换范围为0.9到1.3。水质变量(例如TAN,亚硝酸盐,DO,温度,TSS,CO,ph等)在小鳟鱼的安全范围内,将进行讨论。从这个最初的研究项目看来,可以在与威斯康星州典型流通设备生产的虹鳟鱼相似的时间范围内,在回收系统中成功提高市场规模的溪鳟鱼。



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