首页> 外文期刊>Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems >Movements of fur seals following relocation from fish farms

Movements of fur seals following relocation from fish farms


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1.The movement patterns of Australian and New Zealand fur seals trapped on salmon farms in south-east Tasmania and relocated hundreds of kilometres away, were monitored using satellite telemetry. Australian fur seals released 470 km away by sea returned to farms after an average of 8.5pl4.4 days (n=9 trips) and those released at 140 km returned after 3.2pl0.8 days (n=4 trips). New Zealand fur seals (n=5 trips) averaged a return time of 6.8pl1.2 days from 300 km.2.When in south-east Tasmania, both seal species undertook short trips to sea (mean 2.6 days) from haul-out sites (minimum distance from farms 21 km) with 33% (1.8 days) of this time spent within 5 km of farms. Mean haul-out duration was 1.1 days.3.In summer, Australian fur seals repeatedly travelled between northern Bass Strait islands and southern Tasmanian waters following the Tasmanian east coast. Seals did not visit farms during this time.4.Southern Tasmanian waters are important foraging grounds for fur seals and potential exists for a substantial number of seals to visit nearby fish farms. Farms provide predictable food resources from penned and escaped salmon, and wild fish attracted to the area.5.Australian fur seals trapped at Tasmanian salmon farms regularly visited breeding colonies on islands in Victoria. Copyright pb 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:1,利用卫星遥测技术监测了澳大利亚和新西兰海狗在塔斯马尼亚州东南部鲑鱼养殖场中被捕并迁移到数百公里之外的运动方式。在平均8.5pl4.4天(n = 9次)之后,从海上470公里处释放的澳大利亚海狗返回农场,而在3.2pl0.8天(n = 4次)后,在140公里处释放的海狗返回了农场。新西兰海豹(n = 5行程)从300公里处平均回程时间为6.8pl1.2天。2。在塔斯马尼亚州东南部,这两种海豹物种从拖出海域进行了短途出海旅行(平均2.6天)。站点(距农场至少21公里的距离),其中有33%(1.8天)的时间花费在农场5公里以内。平均拖船时间为1.1天。3。夏季,在塔斯马尼亚东海岸之后,澳大利亚海狗在巴斯海峡北部岛屿和塔斯马尼亚南部水域之间反复旅行。海豹在这段时间内没有访问过养殖场。4。塔斯马尼亚南部水域是海豹捕猎的重要觅食地,并且有大量海豹访问附近养鱼场的潜力。养殖场从鲑鱼中捕获和逃逸提供了可预见的食物资源,野生鱼被吸引到该地区。5。塔斯马尼亚鲑鱼养殖场困住的澳大利亚海狗定期造访维多利亚岛上的繁殖地。版权所有pb 2008 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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