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Survival, growth and food conversion of cultured larvae of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, depending on feeding level, prey density and fish density


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In young fish larvae feeding efficiency is generally proportional to prey density, so feeding in excess is needed to maximise growth and survival. Increasing fish density might contribute to improve food conversion, but it can also impact negatively on fish growth or survival. Larvae of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus were raised until 192 h after hatching (hah) in 30-L tanks in a recirculating system (light regime: 12L:12D, 29.6pl1.2 pC) at three stocking densities (10, 30 and 90 fish Lp#), and fed every 3 h with Artemia nauplii at 1, 3 or 9 times a reference feeding level (RFL; 50% increase per day), thereby producing five different prey densities (from 10 to 810 RFL Lp#). Except for the highest prey density, survival (20-60%) was dependent on feeding level, whereas fish growth (12.5-17.6 mm TL at 192 h AH) was more influenced by prey density than by feeding level. Both variables were negatively affected by fish density, but to a much lesser extent than by food availability. At all fish densities, the gross conversion efficiency (GCE, 0.13-0.42) was highest at 1 RFL, and decreased for higher feeding levels, but not between 1 and 3 RFL at 90 fish Lp#, which provided the best compromise between survival, growth and GCE in this study. Temporal variations in the effects of food availability and fish density are interpreted in respect to the developmental pattern of P. hypophthalmus.
机译:在幼鱼中,幼虫的饲喂效率通常与猎物密度成正比,因此需要过量饲喂才能最大化生长和生存。鱼类密度的增加可能有助于改善食物的转化,但也可能对鱼类的生长或存活产生负面影响。在循环系统(光照条件:12L:12D,29.6pl1.2 pC)中的30升水箱中,以三种放养密度(10、30和90鱼Lp#)将Pangagasianodon hypophthalmus的幼虫饲养到孵化(哈)后192小时(哈)。 ),并每隔3小时用无节制无节肢动物以参考喂食水平(RFL;每天增加50%)喂食,从而产生5种不同的猎物密度(从10到810 RFL Lp#)。除了最高的猎物密度外,成活率(20-60%)取决于摄食水平,而鱼类的生长(192 h AH时为12.5-17.6 mm TL)则受猎物密度的影响大于摄食水平。这两个变量都受到鱼类密度的负面影响,但程度远小于粮食供应​​量。在所有鱼类密度下,总转化效率(GCE,0.13-0.42)在1 RFL时最高,而在较高的摄食水平下则降低,但在90鱼Lp#时不在1至3 RFL之间,这在生存率,本研究中的生长和GCE。解释了食物供应和鱼类密度影响的时间变化,这与次眼球对虾的发育方式有关。



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