首页> 外文期刊>Arabian journal of geosciences >Geostatistical analysis using GIS for mapping groundwater quality: case study in the recharge area of Wadi Usfan, western Saudi Arabia

Geostatistical analysis using GIS for mapping groundwater quality: case study in the recharge area of Wadi Usfan, western Saudi Arabia

机译:使用GIS进行地统计学的地下水质量测绘:以沙特阿拉伯西部Wadi Usfan补给区为例

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The scarcity of water is one of the main issues in Saudi Arabia. In particular, the extreme climate in the form of less frequent rainfall affects the groundwater availability. Moreover, groundwater has been depleted by the increase in population. In this research, the spatial distribution of groundwater quality has been developed, and the prediction of groundwater chemical parameters has been made using geostatistical analysis in geographic information system (GIS) software. The study area is Madrakah village as the recharge area of Wadi Usfan located in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Ordinary kriging method was applied to map the spatial distribution of the groundwater chemistry. Most of the groundwater is not suitable for drinking purposes. Groundwater chemical parameters are decreasing toward the eastern part of Madrakah village. In predicting groundwater chemistry distribution maps, data transformation has been executed to reduce the skewness on most of the chemical parameters. The best semivariogram model for every parameter varies based on the root mean square error (RMSE) criterion. The groundwater chemical parameters, i.e., Na+, Mg2+, Cl-, conductivity, salinity, and total dissolved solid (TDS), have a strong spatial dependence, while, NO3 (-) and temperature have a moderate and weak spatial dependence, respectively.
机译:缺水是沙特阿拉伯的主要问题之一。特别是降雨少的极端气候会影响地下水的可利用性。此外,人口增加使地下水枯竭。在这项研究中,开发了地下水质量的空间分布,并使用地理信息系统(GIS)软件中的地统计分析对地下水化学参数进行了预测。研究区是Madrakah村,是位于沙特阿拉伯西部的Wadi Usfan的补给区。运用普通克里金法绘制了地下水化学成分的空间分布图。大部分地下水不适合饮用。 Madrakah村庄东部的地下水化学参数正在下降。在预测地下水化学分布图时,已执行数据转换以减少大多数化学参数上的偏斜。每个参数的最佳半变异函数模型根据均方根误差(RMSE)准则而变化。地下水的化学参数,即Na +,Mg2 +,Cl-,电导率,盐度和总溶解固体(TDS)具有很强的空间依赖性,而NO3(-)和温度分别具有中等和较弱的空间依赖性。



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