首页> 外文期刊>Arabian journal of geosciences >Geochemical constraints on the provenance of Oligocene- Miocene siliciclastic deposits (Zivah Formation) of NW Iran: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Caucasus

Geochemical constraints on the provenance of Oligocene- Miocene siliciclastic deposits (Zivah Formation) of NW Iran: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Caucasus


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In this study, the whole-rock geochemistry of 35 Oligocene-Miocene sandstone and shale samples from the Zivah Formation, Moghan area (NW Iran) were collected and analyzed for evaluation of their provenance, tectonic setting and the intensity of paleo-weathering. Low to moderate values of the chemical index of alteration (mean CIA=53/68 for sandstones/shales) and relatively high values of index of compositional variability (mean ICV=1.23/1.08 for sandstones/shales) suggest weak chemical weathering and an immature source. These results support for the semi-arid and semi-humid paleoclimate conditions in the source area. The geochemistry results reveal that the sediments were deposited in a basin related to the island arc and active continental margin tectonic settings, probably indicating the time of initial collision between Arabia and Eurasia. The enrichment of Cr, Ni and Vin the sandstone and shales are consistent with mafic input from the source area. However, La/Th vs. Hf and La/Sc vs. Co/Th plots revealmixed source of felsic and intermediate volcanic rocks. The data indicate that the sediments most likely originated from a mixture of mafic, intermediate and felsic igneous source areas, possibly as the erosional products of localized topography of the Talysh and the Lesser Caucasus mountains (south to southwest), created by compression in the Moghan region during the syncollisional development of the Caucasus.
机译:在这项研究中,从Moghan地区(伊朗西北部)的Zivah组中收集了35个渐新世-中新世砂岩和页岩样品的全岩石地球化学,并对其来源,构造背景和古风化强度进行了评估。化学变化指数的中低值(砂岩/页岩的平均CIA = 53/68)和相对较高的成分变化指数(砂岩/页岩的平均ICV = 1.23 / 1.08)表明化学风化较弱且未成熟资源。这些结果支持了源区的半干旱和半潮湿的古气候条件。地球化学结果表明,这些沉积物沉积在与岛弧和活跃的大陆边缘构造环境有关的盆地中,这可能表明了阿拉伯与欧亚大陆之间初始碰撞的时间。砂岩和页岩中Cr,Ni和Vin的富集与源区的镁铁质输入一致。但是,La / Th与Hf的关系图和La / Sc与Co / Th的关系图揭示了长英质和中火山岩的混合源。数据表明,沉积物最有可能来自铁镁质,中性和长英质火成岩源区的混合,可能是塔里什河和小高加索山脉(南至西南)局部地形的侵蚀产物,这是由于莫汉山压缩造成的。地区在高加索的共生发展过程中。



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