首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >A modified Wenzel model for water wetting on van der Waals layered materials with topographic surfaces

A modified Wenzel model for water wetting on van der Waals layered materials with topographic surfaces


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A modified Wenzel model is proposed for describing the wetting behavior of van der Waals layered materials with topographic surfaces, based on the measured linear relationship between water wetting and surface roughness for high quality Bi2Se3 thin films, synthesized using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) in the optimized temperature window of 180-200 degrees C. The water contact angles are found to have apparent dependence on the nanoscale surface morphology, enabling film wettability as a new tool to quickly characterize the quality of atomically thin films. The water contact angle of the ideal Bi2Se3 surface is inferred to be similar to 98.4 degrees, indicating its intrinsic hydrophobic nature; however, the edge of the terrace on its surface is extremely hydrophilic, leading to easy hydrophobic/hydrophilic transitions. The atomistic mechanism is further revealed by first principles calculations. The regulated wettability is of great importance for electronic applications of Bi2Se3 and other two-dimensional materials with distinctive electronic structures.
机译:提出了一种修改文策尔模型来描述范德瓦耳斯的润湿行为分层材料与地形表面,基于测量水之间的线性关系润湿和高质量的表面粗糙度Bi2Se3薄膜,使用分子合成束外延(MBE)优化温度180 - 200度c .窗口的水接触角度都发现有明显的依赖纳米尺度的表面形态,使电影润湿性作为一种新的工具来快速的特点自动薄膜的质量。理想Bi2Se3表面的接触角推断出类似于98.4度,表明其内在的疏水性;然而,台地边缘的表面非常亲水,导致容易吗疏水/亲水过渡。原子论的机制是进一步揭示了第一次计算原则。润湿性是电子具有十分重要的意义应用Bi2Se3和其他二维材料具有独特的电子结构。



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