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Urban AgricultureBattling Food Insecurity with Integrated Geospatial Technologies


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An astonishing 18 million households in the United States were labeled "food insecure" in 2011. This means that at some point during the year, they were unable to feed every member of the household. It means they were hungry.In sunny California—where fruit trees thrive and residents often have a bigger harvest than they can consume— CommUniverCiry San Jose aims to do something about this. A key part of the organization's Garden to Table initiative involves identifying andmapping fruit trees on residential properties, working with home owners, mobilizing volunteers to pick the fruit, and delivering the harvest bounty to a local food bank. CommUniverCiry is a collaborative project of the Five Wounds/Brookwood Terrace communities, San Jose State University (SJSU), and the City of San Jose.
机译:2011年,美国有1800万户惊人的家庭被标记为“粮食不安全”。这意味着在这一年中的某个时候,他们无法养家糊口。这意味着他们饿了。在阳光充沛的加利福尼亚州(果树繁茂,居民收成往往超出其消费量),圣何塞市CommUniverCiry致力于为此做点事情。该组织的“花园到餐桌”计划的关键部分包括在住宅物业上识别和映射果树,与房主合作,动员志愿者采摘水果,并将收获的赏金提供给当地的食物银行。 CommUniverCiry是“五个伤口/布鲁克伍德梯田”社区,圣何塞州立大学(SJSU)和圣何塞市的合作项目。



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