首页> 外文期刊>Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, Part A. enzyme engineering and biotechnology >Phenomenological and neural-network modeling of cephalosporin C production bioprocess

Phenomenological and neural-network modeling of cephalosporin C production bioprocess


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Cephalosporin C production process with Cephalosporium acremonium ATCC 48272 in synthetic medium was investigated and the experimental results allowed the development of a mathematical model describing the process behavior. The model was able to explain fairly well the diauxic phenomenon, higher growth rate during the glucose-consumption phase, and the production occurring only in the sucrose-consumption phase. Moreover, the process was simulated utilizing the neural-networks technique. Two feed-forward neural-networks with one hidden layer were employed. Both models, phenomenological and neural-networks based, satisfactorily describe the bioprocess. The difficulties in determining kinetic parameters are avoided when neural networks are utilized. [References: 22]
机译:研究了在合成培养基中用顶头孢霉ATCC 48272生产头孢菌素C的过程,实验结果允许建立描述过程行为的数学模型。该模型能够很好地解释双峰现象,葡萄糖消耗阶段的较高生长速率以及仅在蔗糖消耗阶段产生的产物。此外,利用神经网络技术对该过程进行了仿真。使用具有一个隐藏层的两个前馈神经网络。基于现象学和神经网络的两个模型都令人满意地描述了生物过程。当利用神经网络时,避免了确定动力学参数的困难。 [参考:22]



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