首页> 外文期刊>Advanced synthesis & catalysis >One-Pot Multienzymatic Synthesis of 12-Ketoursodeoxycholic Acid: Subtle Cofactor Specificities Rule the Reaction Equilibria of Five Biocatalysts Working in a Row

One-Pot Multienzymatic Synthesis of 12-Ketoursodeoxycholic Acid: Subtle Cofactor Specificities Rule the Reaction Equilibria of Five Biocatalysts Working in a Row


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The hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (HSDHs)-catalyzed one-pot enzymatic synthesis of 12-ketoursodeoxycholic acid (3α,7β-dihydroxy-12-oxo-5β-cholanoic acid), a key intermediate for the synthesis of ursodeoxycholic acid, from cholic acid has been investigated. This goal has been achieved by alternating oxidative and reductive steps in a one-pot system employing HSDHs with different cofactor specificity, namely NADH-dependent HSDHs in the oxidative step and an NADPH-dependent 7β-HSDH in the reductive one. Coupled in situ regeneration systems have been exploited not only to allow the use of catalytic amounts of the cofactors, but also to provide the necessary driving force to opposite reactions (i.e., oxidation and reduction) acting on different sites of the substrate molecule. Biocatalysts suitable for the set-up of this process have been selected and their kinetic behaviour in respect of the reactions of interest has been evaluated. Finally, the process has been studied employing the enzymes both in free and compartmentalized form.
机译:羟类固醇脱氢酶(HSDHs)催化一锅法从胆酸中合成12-ketoursodeoxycholic acid(3α,7β-dihydroxy-12-oxo-5β-cholanoic)是合成熊去氧胆酸的关键中间体。调查。通过在一锅系统中交替使用氧化和还原步骤来实现这一目标,该系统使用具有不同辅因子特异性的HSDH,即氧化步骤中依赖NADH的HSDH和还原剂中依赖NADPH的7β-HSDH。已经开发了耦合的原位再生系统,不仅允许使用催化量的辅因子,而且还为作用在底物分子不同部位上的相反反应(即氧化和还原)提供了必要的驱动力。选择了适合于该方法的生物催化剂,并评估了其在目标反应方面的动力学行为。最后,已经研究了使用游离和间隔形式的酶的方法。



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