首页> 外文期刊>Aquatic Living Resources >Distribution maps and minimum abundance estimates for wintering auksin the Bay of Biscay, based on aerial surveys

Distribution maps and minimum abundance estimates for wintering auksin the Bay of Biscay, based on aerial surveys


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The "Erika" oil spill has killed more seabirds than any before in Europe: nearly 70 000 guillemots (Uria aalge) were found dead or alive on beaches, and many more are thought to have been killed. This unexpectedly high number highlighted how poor our knowledge was on spatial and temporal patterns in seabird distribution in the Bay of Biscay. The purpose of our research project, "ERIKA-Avion", was to fill this gap, providing the first distribution maps and abundance estimates of seabirds wintering in the entire shelf of the Bay of Biscay. In particular, we analysed fine-grained distribution maps for the wintering auks, comparing their areas of highest density with the oil drift area, and proposing for the first time (although preliminarily) minimal abundance estimates for these birds in this area.
机译:“埃里卡(Erika)”漏油事件造成的海鸟死亡人数比欧洲任何时候都要多:在海滩上发现近7万海雀科的鸟(Uria aalge)死了或还活着,而且据认为还有更多的海鸟被杀死。这一出乎意料的高数字突显了我们对比斯开湾海鸟分布的时空分布格局的了解程度如何。我们的研究项目“ ERIKA-Avion”的目的是为了填补这一空白,它提供了比斯开湾整个货架上越冬的海鸟的第一个分布图和丰富度估计。特别是,我们分析了越冬秋葵的细粒度分布图,将它们的最高密度区域与油漂移区域进行了比较,并首次(尽管初步)提出了该地区这些鸟类的最小丰度估计。



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