首页> 外文期刊>Aquatic Insects >Life history and secondary production of Ephemera orientalis (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) from the Han River in Seoul, Korea

Life history and secondary production of Ephemera orientalis (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) from the Han River in Seoul, Korea


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In this study, we investigated the life history of Ephemera orientalis, a common lowland burrowing mayfly which resides in temperate East Asia and often causes a serious nuisance to people due to mass emergence from the Han River in Seoul, Korea. Larvae were sampled monthly (every two weeks during the emergence period) from April 2006 to June 2007 using a Surber sampler (50 x 50 cm, mesh 0.25 mm, two replicates). The mean density of E. orientalis was found to be 105.88 plus or minus 42.14 indiv/m super(2) during the study period. On the basis of the larval body size distribution and emergence time, we concluded that E. orientalis has a univoltine life cycle with two distinct cohort groups, S1-group emerging in May-June and S2-group in August-September. The estimated annual production of the larvae was 1350.84 mg DW/m super(2); the mean biomass was 325.17 mg DW/m super(2); the annual production to mean biomass ratio (P/B) was 4.15. Mean water temperature during the study period was 15.02 plus or minus 6.84 degree C. The accumulated degree days for the S1- and S2-groups were 2565.07 and 2,621.69 degree days, respectively. This study shows that the Han River population of E. orientalis lacks the fast growing cohort (F-group) in May-August, and demonstrates a relatively higher secondary production than that of other stream mayflies (e.g. Gapyeong stream population of E. orientalis).
机译:在这项研究中,我们调查了of麻的生活史,,麻是生活在东亚温带的一种常见的低地穴居may,由于从韩国汉城的汉江大量涌现而经常给人们造成严重的滋扰。从2006年4月至2007年6月,每月一次(出苗期每两周一次)使用Surber采样器(50 x 50厘米,网孔0.25毫米,两次重复)对幼虫进行采样。在研究期间,发现E.orientalis的平均密度为105.88,正负42.14 indiv / m super(2)。根据幼虫的体型分布和出苗时间,我们得出结论:东方东方虫具有一个单伏特生命周期,有两个不同的队列群,S1群在5月至6月出现,S2群在8月至9月。幼虫的估计年产量为1350.84 mg DW / m super(2);平均生物量为325.17 mg DW / m super(2);年生产量与平均生物量比(P / B)为4.15。研究期间的平均水温为15.02正负6.84摄氏度。S1-和S2-组的累积度日分别为2565.07和2,621.69摄氏度。这项研究表明,汉江E.orientalis种群缺乏快速增长的队列(F-group),并且在5月至8月比其他小河may(例如,Gapyeong E.orientalis种群)具有更高的次级产量。 。



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