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Involvement of reactive oxygen species in cardiac preconditioning in rats.


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To date, the involvement of reactive oxygen species in ischemic preconditioning in vivo in rats is not clearly demonstrated. The aim of the present study was to determine whether N-(2-mercaptopropionyl)glycine (MPG), a cell-diffusible hydroxyl radical scavenger, and carnosine, a potent singlet oxygen quencher, could block protection afforded by a single cycle of ischemic preconditioning in vivo in the rat. An ESR study was first performed to validate in vitro the specific antioxidant properties of carnosine and MPG. In a second set of experiments, open-chest rats were subjected to 30 min of left coronary occlusion followed by 60 min of reperfusion. Preconditioning was elicited by 5 min of ischemia and 5 min of reperfusion. Neither MPG (1-h infusion, 20 mg/kg) nor carnosine injection (bolus, 25 micro mol/rat) affected infarct size. The infarct size-limiting effect of preconditioning was completely blunted by MPG, whereas carnosine did not alter the cardioprotection. It is concluded that free radicals and especially hydroxyl radicals could be involved in the adaptive mechanisms induced by a single cycle of preconditioning in vivo in rats.
机译:迄今为止,还没有清楚地证明活性氧参与了大鼠体内缺血预处理。本研究的目的是确定细胞扩散性羟基自由基清除剂N-(2-巯基丙酰基)甘氨酸(MPG)和有效的单线态氧猝灭剂肌肽是否可以阻断缺血预适应单周期提供的保护作用大鼠体内。首先进行了ESR研究,以在体外验证肌肽和MPG的特定抗氧化特性。在第二组实验中,对开胸大鼠进行30分钟的左冠状动脉闭塞,然后再灌注60分钟。 5分钟的缺血和5分钟的再灌注引起预处理。 MPG(1小时输注,20 mg / kg)或肌肽注射(推注,25 micro mol /大鼠)均不影响梗塞面积。 MPG完全削弱了预处理的梗死面积限制作用,而肌肽并没有改变心脏保护作用。结论是,自由基,尤其是羟基自由基可能参与了大鼠体内单次预处理循环诱导的适应机制。



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