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An update on redox biology of parasites


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Parasite redox biology is vital for understanding parasite-host interactions and adaptations. Studies in this area are leading to discoveries regarding drug targets and drug leads to treat infections caused by protozoan and worm parasites for which there are few effective drugs. Parasite unique and nonredundant core redox enzymes are choke points of metabolism and pharmacological targets. This Forum revises this concept and proposes new drug targets. It also highlights recent studies using genetically manipulated and natural strains that reveal emerging regulatory functions of antioxidant enzymes in parasite differentiation, apoptosis, virulence, acute infection, and disease progression and outcome. The challenge ahead is to understand the redox changes linked to differentiation and drastic transitions between environments that take place during parasitic complex life cycles. The combined use of new tools and techniques, such as genetically-manipulated parasites, live imaging, redox sensors, and proteomics, allow the challenge to be undertaken. Some of these methodologies, for example, transgenic parasites encoding redox biosensors, can also be applied to drug high throughput screening and to assess the effect of currently known drugs that affect redox homeostasis. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 19, 661-664.
机译:寄生虫氧化还原生物学对于理解寄生虫与宿主的相互作用和适应至关重要。在这一领域的研究正在导致有关药物靶标的发现,并且药物治疗由原生动物和蠕虫寄生虫引起的感染,而对于这种感染,有效药物很少。寄生虫独特的和非冗余的核心氧化还原酶是新陈代谢和药理学目标的瓶颈。该论坛修改了这一概念并提出了新的药物靶标。它还强调了最近使用转基因和天然菌株的研究,这些研究揭示了抗氧化酶在寄生虫分化,凋亡,毒力,急性感染以及疾病进展和结果中新兴的调节功能。未来的挑战是要了解与寄生复杂生命周期中发生的环境之间的分化和剧烈转变有关的氧化还原变化。新工具和新技术的结合使用,例如基因操纵的寄生虫,实时成像,氧化还原传感器和蛋白质组学,可以应对挑战。这些方法中的某些方法,例如编码氧化还原生物传感器的转基因寄生虫,也可以用于药物高通量筛选,并评估影响氧化还原稳态的当前已知药物的作用。抗氧化。氧化还原信号。 19,661-664。



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