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Integrating Chassis Components in the Wheel Arch


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REE’s vehicle x-by-wire-linked corner control components give OEMs unprecedented design freedom to create any electric vehicle, from last- and mid-mile delivery vans to commercial autonomous shuttles, all on a completely flat one- box chassis. Each corner has its own ECU, plus there iss a separate ECU that controls the four corner ECUs. “We are the only one in the world with an ECU in each corner,” said REE CEO, Daniel Barel. REE’s biggest challenge was getting the control software right, especially the redundancy and required levels of safety. “Those were achievable through our own cognitive system, which is paramount to the overall performance. ” While some EV innovators are developing corner modules with in-wheel drive motors, REE’s drive motors are very close to the wheel but not inside the wheel. “So it is high RPM, low torque, which gives us a lot of efficiency,” said Barel. “And the motor is fully sprung,” for better handling. In August 2020, REE Automotive signed a memorandum of understanding with Mahindra to establish a strategic collaboration for the development of electric commercial?vehicles. REE expects to be on the road with a commercial implementations of its modular EV platform technology by 2022.
机译:REE的车辆控制x-by-wire-linked角落组件给oem前所未有的设计自由创建任何电动汽车,从去年,mid-mile送货车商业自治航天飞机,在一个完全平坦的一个盒子底盘。国际空间站的一个单独的ECU控制的四个角落ecu。ECU的每一个角落,”丹尼尔Barel REE首席执行官说。稀土元素的最大挑战是控制软件,尤其是冗余和所需的安全水平。通过我们自己的认知系统派拉蒙整体性能。”一些电动车创新者正在角落模块与轮驱动汽车,REE的驱动电机非常接近车轮内但不轮。给了我们很多的效率,“Barel说。马达完全跳出来,“为了更好的处理。2020年8月,瑞汽车签署了一份与马辛德拉的谅解备忘录建立战略合作电商业的发展?车辆。希望与一个商业的道路上其模块化电动汽车平台的实现2022年技术。



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