首页> 外文期刊>ECS transactions >Fuel Impurity Effects on High Temperature PBI Based Fuel Cell Membranes

Fuel Impurity Effects on High Temperature PBI Based Fuel Cell Membranes


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The effects of key fuel gas impurities (CO and H2S) on the performance of high temperature PBI-based fuel cells were studied. Fuel cells with high temperature PBI-based MEAs (Celtec P-1000) showed excellent tolerance to CO (up to 2 %) at typical operational temperatures (160 – 180 °C). The fuel cell performance was very sensitive to CO content at lower operational temperatures (140 – 120 °C). Fuel cell performance was immediately recovered by switching back to pure hydrogen. Fuel cells with Celtec P-1000 MEAs showed good tolerance to 0.5 ppm H2S and limited tolerance to 25 ppm H2S at temperatures from 120 ° C to 180 ° C. The fuel cells also showed quick and almost full recovery when the anode gas was switched from 0.5 or 25 ppm H2S containing reformate back to pure hydrogen.
机译:的影响关键燃气杂质(CO和硫化氢)高温的性能PBI-based燃料电池进行了研究。与高温PBI-based量(Celtecp - 1000)显示优秀的容忍度有限公司(2在典型的操作温度(%)160 - 180°C)。公司内容较低的操作温度(140 - 120°C)。切换回纯立即恢复氢。显示好公差0.5 ppm H2S和有限的宽容在温度从120年25 ppm硫化氢°C到180°C .燃料电池还显示快阳极气体时,几乎完全康复从0.5或25 ppm含硫化氢重整油回到纯氢。



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