首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >The association of reduced folate carrier 80G>A polymorphism to outcome in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia interacts with chromosome 21 copy number.

The association of reduced folate carrier 80G>A polymorphism to outcome in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia interacts with chromosome 21 copy number.

机译:叶酸减少的载体80G> A多态性与儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病的预后相关性与21号染色体拷贝数相互作用。

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The reduced folate carrier (RFC) is involved in the transport of methotrexate (MTX) across the cell membrane. The RFC gene (SLC19A1) is located on chromosome 21, and we hypothesized that the RFC80 G>A polymorphism would affect outcome and toxicity in childhood leukemia and that this could interact with chromosome 21 copy number in the leukemic clone. A total of 500 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated according to the common Nordic treatment protocols were included, and we found that the RFC AA variant was associated with a 50% better chance of staying in remission compared with GG or GA variants (P = .046). Increased copy numbers of chromosome 21 appear to improve outcome also in children with GA or GG variant. In a subset of 182 children receiving 608 high-dose MTX courses, we observed higher degree of bone marrow toxicity in patients with the RFC AA variant compared with GA/GG variants (platelet 73 vs 99/105 x 10(9)/L, P = .004, hemoglobin 5.6 vs 5.9/6.0 mmol/L, P = .004) and a higher degree of liver toxicity in patients with RFC GG variant (alanine aminotransferase 167 vs 127/124 U/L, P = .05). In conclusion, the RFC 80G>A polymorphism interacts with chromosome 21 copy numbers and affects both efficacy and toxicity of MTX.
机译:减少的叶酸载体(RFC)参与了甲氨蝶呤(MTX)在细胞膜上的转运。 RFC基因(SLC19A1)位于21号染色体上,我们假设RFC80 G> A多态性将影响儿童白血病的预后和毒性,并且可能与白血病克隆中21号染色体的拷贝数相互作用。包括了按照北欧常规治疗方案治疗的500例急性淋巴细胞白血病儿童,我们发现RFC AA变体与GG或GA变体相比,其缓解率高50%(P =。 046)。患有GA或GG变异的儿童,增加21号染色体的拷贝数似乎也可以改善预后。在182个接受608次大剂量MTX疗程的儿童中,我们观察到RFC AA变体患者的GAS和GG变体患者的骨髓毒性程度更高(血小板73 vs 99/105 x 10(9)/ L, P = .004,血红蛋白5.6与5.9 / 6.0 mmol / L,P = .004),RFC GG变异患者的肝毒性更高(丙氨酸转氨酶167与127/124 U / L,P = .05) 。总之,RFC 80G> A多态性与21号染色体拷贝数相互作用,并影响MTX的功效和毒性。



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