首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Climate change and deepening of the North Sea fish assemblage: a biotic indicator of warming seas

Climate change and deepening of the North Sea fish assemblage: a biotic indicator of warming seas


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1. Climate change impacts have been observed on individual species and species subsets; however, it remains to be seen whether there are systematic, coherent assemblage-wide responses to climate change that could be used as a representative indicator of changing biological state. 2. European shelf seas are warming faster than the adjacent land masses and faster than the global average. We explore the year-by-year distributional response of North Sea bottom-dwelling (demersal) fishes to temperature change over the 25 years from 1980 to 2004. The centres of latitudinal and depth distributions of 28 fishes were estimated from species-abundance-location data collected on an annual fish monitoring survey. 3. Individual species responses were aggregated into 19 assemblages reflecting physiology (thermal preference and range), ecology (body size and abundance-occupancy patterns), biogeography (northern, southern and presence of range boundaries), and susceptibility to human impact (fishery target, bycatch and non-target species). 4. North Sea winter bottom temperature has increased by 1.6 degrees C over 25 years, with a 1 degrees C increase in 1988-1989 alone. During this period, the whole demersal fish assemblage deepened by similar to 3.6 m decade(-1) and the deepening was coherent for most assemblages. 5. The latitudinal response to warming was heterogeneous, and reflects (i) a northward shift in the mean latitude of abundant, widespread thermal specialists, and (ii) the southward shift of relatively small, abundant southerly species with limited occupancy and a northern range boundary in the North Sea. 6. Synthesis and applications. The deepening of North Sea bottom-dwelling fishes in response to climate change is the marine analogue of the upward movement of terrestrial species to higher altitudes. The assemblage-level depth responses, and both latitudinal responses, covary with temperature and environmental variability in a manner diagnostic of a climate change impact. The deepening of the demersal fish assemblage in response to temperature could be used as a biotic indicator of the effects of climate change in the North Sea and other semi-enclosed seas.
机译:1. 个别物种和物种子集;还有待观察是否存在系统的相干assemblage-wide反应气候变化可以作为一个改变生物的代表指标状态。比相邻的土地质量和速度比全球平均水平。北海的分布响应住在海底的底栖鱼对温度改变从1980年到2004年的25年。纬向和深度分布的中心28鱼类的估计species-abundance-location上收集的数据年度鱼监测调查。物种反应聚合为19组合反映生理(热偏好和范围)、生态(身体大小和abundance-occupancy模式),生物地理学(北部、南部和范围边界),对人类的影响(附带捕捞渔业的目标和非目标物种)。4. 增加了1.6度超过25年,1仅在1988 - 1989度增加。这一时期,整个底栖鱼组合加深了类似于(1)和3.6米的十年深化对大多数组合是连贯的。纬度的应对气候变暖异构,反映了(我)向北转移意思是纬度的丰富,普遍热专家,和(2)向南转移的相对较小,南风物种丰富入住率和北方范围有限边界在北海。6。应用程序。在应对气候区域的鱼类变化是向上的海洋模拟运动的陆地物种更高海拔。和两个纬度的响应,共变温度和环境变化气候变化影响的诊断方式。深化的底栖鱼组合反应温度可以用作生物气候变化的影响的指标北海和其他半封闭式海域。



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