首页> 外文期刊>Applied radiation and isotopes: including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine >An alternative radiometric method for calculating the sedimentation rates: application to an intertidal region (SW of Spain).

An alternative radiometric method for calculating the sedimentation rates: application to an intertidal region (SW of Spain).


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A new method using the inventory determined for the activity of the radionuclide (137)Cs, coming from global radioactive fallout has been utilised to calculate the sedimentation rates. The method has been applied in a wide intertidal region in the Bay of Cadiz Natural Park (SW Spain). The sedimentation rates estimated by the (137)Cs inventory method ranged from 0.26 cm/year to 1.72 cm/year. The average value of the sedimentation rate obtained is 0.59 cm/year, and this rate has been compared with those resulting from the application of the (210)Pb dating technique. A good agreement between the two procedures has been found. From the study carried out, it has been possible for the first time, to draw a map of sedimentation rates for this zone where numerous physico-chemical, oceanographic and ecological studies converge, since it is situated in a region of great environmental interest. This area, which is representative of common environmental coastal scenarios, is particularly sensitive to perturbations related to climate change, and the results of the study will allow to make short and medium term evaluations of this change.
机译:已经使用了一种新方法,该方法使用了确定的放射性核素(137)Cs活度清单,该清单来自全球放射性沉降物,用于计算沉降速率。该方法已在加的斯自然公园湾(西班牙西南)的潮间带广泛应用。通过(137)Cs清点方法估算的沉积速率范围为0.26厘米/年至1.72厘米/年。所获得的沉积速率的平均值为0.59 cm /年,并且已将该速率与应用(210)Pb测年技术得出的速率进行了比较。在这两个过程之间找到了很好的协议。根据所进行的研究,这是首次有可能绘制该地区的沉积速率图,因为该地区位于一个对环境极为关注的地区,许多理化,海洋学和生态学研究都在此汇合。该区域代表了常见的沿海环境情景,对与气候变化有关的扰动特别敏感,研究结果将允许对该变化进行短期和中期评估。



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