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Spatially explicit bioeconomic model for weed management in cereals: validation and evaluation of management strategies


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Spatially explicit weed population models are very useful to explore long-term weed management scenarios. The economic implications of the management practices have been rarely considered in those models. Their inclusion could enhance weed management decisions. A bioeconomic spatially explicit model was developed and validated using field data. The model integrated a weed population submodel, a weed-crop competition submodel and an economic analysis. It was employed to evaluate long-term management strategies to control Lolium rigidum Gaudin, a troublesome weed infesting cereals in Mediterranean climates. A total of eleven individual and integrated management strategies, including cultural and chemical control, were evaluated. The predicted and observed distributions of population growth rates were similar for the four experimental plots used in the validation. One plot was fully validated with most proposed validation methods, while in the remaining plots, the predicted growth rates, in general, underestimated the observed growth rates. Our results showed that most individual management programmes were worse at controlling L.rigidum populations than integrated management ones. The programmes integrating cultural control strategies and herbicide at its full rate achieved the best long-term control. However, other strategies that were not as efficient at decreasing weed densities were more profitable economically, such as herbicide application at full rate. Economic returns were negative in all the strategies simulated. A sensitivity analysis showed that the seed bank and the economic outcomes were especially sensitive to fecundity and to the control exerted by management.Synthesis and applications. Our results suggest that the use of herbicide and low-input cultural control methods or full-dose herbicide applications are the most economically efficient strategies controlling L.rigidum populations. However, cultural control methods are not recommended as the only management strategies. Herbicide applications at full doses are preferable to applications at low doses, producing more successful weed control and, generally, less economic losses. The spatially explicit bioeconomic model developed has proved to be useful evaluating long-term weed management strategies in dry land cereal agrosystems. This kind of model would enhance weed management decisions for farmers based on an economic as well as an agronomic point of view.
机译:空间非常明确杂草种群模型有用的探索长期杂草管理场景。管理实践已经很少考虑在这些模型。杂草管理决策。发达国家和空间显式模型使用字段数据进行验证。weed-crop杂草种群子模型竞争子模型和经济分析。是用来评估长期管理策略控制Lolium rigidum发言,毒杂草时下大量谷物地中海气候。个人和综合管理策略,包括文化和化学控制评估。分布的人口增长率相似的四块用于实验验证。大多数提出验证方法,而在剩下的情节,预测增长率将军,低估了观察到的增长利率。管理项目在控制差L.rigidum人口综合管理的人。策略和除草剂的完整率达到最好的长期控制。其他策略,没有效率减少杂草密度更有利可图经济上,如除草剂应用程序完整率。模拟的策略。表明,种子银行和经济结果对繁殖力特别敏感和控制管理。结果表明,除草剂的使用低投入的文化控制方法或足量除草剂的应用是最经济的有效的战略控制L.rigidum人群。不推荐作为唯一的管理策略。更好的应用在低剂量,杂草控制和生产更多的成功,一般来说,减少经济损失。明确bioeconomic模型已被证明评估长期杂草管理是有用的在旱地谷物agrosystems策略。杂草管理的模型将增强对农民基于经济决策农艺的角度来看。



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