首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >A risk-adapted, response-based approach using ABVE-PC for children and adolescents with intermediate- and high-risk Hodgkin lymphoma: the results of P9425.

A risk-adapted, response-based approach using ABVE-PC for children and adolescents with intermediate- and high-risk Hodgkin lymphoma: the results of P9425.


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Current treatment strategies for Hodgkin lymphoma result in excellent survival but often confer significant long-term toxicity. We designed ABVE-PC (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vincristine, etoposide, prednisone, cyclophosphamide) to (1) enhance treatment efficacy by dose-dense drug delivery and (2) reduce risk of long-term sequelae by response-based reduction of cumulative chemotherapy. Efficient induction of early response by dose-dense drug delivery supported an early-response-adapted therapeutic paradigm. The 216 eligible patients were younger than 22 years with intermediate- or high-risk Hodgkin lymphoma. ABVE-PC was administered every 21 days. Rapid early responders (RERs) to 3 ABVE-PC cycles received 21 Gy radiation to involved regions; RER was documented in 63% of patients. Slow early responders received 2 additional ABVE-PC cycles before 21 Gy radiation. Five-year event-free-survival was 84%: 86% for the RER and 83% for the slow early responders (P = .85). Only 1% of patients had progressive disease. Five-year overall survival was 95%. With this regimen, cumulative doses of alkylators, anthracyclines, and epipodophyllotoxins are below thresholds usually associated with significant long-term toxicity. ABVE-PC is a dose-dense regimen that provides outstanding event-free survival/overall survival with short duration, early-response-adapted therapy.
机译:霍奇金淋巴瘤的当前治疗策略可导致出色的生存率,但通常具有明显的长期毒性。我们设计了ABVE-PC(阿霉素,博来霉素,长春新碱,依托泊苷,泼尼松,环磷酰胺),以(1)通过剂量密集的药物递送提高治疗效果,以及(2)通过基于反应的累积化疗减少来减少长期后遗症的风险。通过剂量密集的药物有效诱导早期反应支持了适应早期反应的治疗范例。 216名符合条件的患者年龄小于22岁,患有中度或高危霍奇金淋巴瘤。 ABVE-PC每21天给药一次。 3个ABVE-PC周期的快速早期反应者(RER)收到21 Gy辐射到相关区域。在63%的患者中记录了RER。缓慢的早期反应者在接受21 Gy辐射之前又接受了2次ABVE-PC周期。五年无事件生存率为84%:RER为86%,缓慢的早期响应者为83%(P = .85)。只有1%的患者患有进行性疾病。五年总生存率为95%。在这种方案下,烷基化剂,蒽环类和表鬼臼毒素的累积剂量低于通常与明显的长期毒性相关的阈值。 ABVE-PC是一种剂量密集型方案,可提供出色的无事件生存期/总生存期,且持续时间短,适应早期反应。



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