首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Impacts of management at a local and landscape scale on pollinators in semi-natural grasslands

Impacts of management at a local and landscape scale on pollinators in semi-natural grasslands


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1. Managing farmland to benefit biodiversity is becoming increasingly necessary to combat biodiversity declines and maintain ecosystem services. Results-based agri-environmental schemes are a tool used to achieve this by paying farmers based on environmental results delivered. These schemes often utilise plant indicator species to assess results at field scale; however, it is unknown if focusing on enhancing a subset of one biodiversity group within results-based schemes impacts wider biodiversity, and whether local-scale implementation of results-based schemes or/and the wider landscape are more important drivers of biodiversity patterns. 2. Insect pollinators provide important pollination services for many crop and wild plants, and as mobile organisms often experience landscape at large spatial scales. We tested whether insect pollinators are affected at local scale by a results-based scheme scored based on plant indicators, or if landscape management is more important, and whether there were different responses between taxon-specific groups. Bumblebees, solitary bees, hoverflies and butterflies were sampled using transects and pan traps in 23 fields with varying scores assigned by the scheme, situated in high-intensity (≥65% improved grassland) or low-intensity (≥65% semi-natural grassland) landscapes. 3. Results indicate taxon-specific responses to local and landscape management in semi-natural grasslands. Bumblebees responded positively to local-scale management in fields with higher floral diversity, whereas hoverflies and butterflies responded positively to low-intensity landscape management. 4. Synthesis and applications. Using plant species as indicators for biodiversity in agri-environment schemes can have indirect benefits for non-target taxa like bumblebees, but broader indicators should be developed to incorporate other pollinator groups. Pollinator groups respond differently to local and landscape management in semi-natural grasslands. Agri-environme
机译:1. 变得越来越必要战斗生物多样性下降和维护生态系统服务。计划是一个工具用来实现这一目标通过支付农民基于环境的结果。这些计划通常利用指示植物物种领域规模的评估结果;然而,它是未知的,如果专注于增强一个生物多样性组织内的子集基于成果的计划影响更广泛的生物多样性,以及是否当地范围内实施基于成果的方案或/和更广泛的景观更重要的是生物多样性的司机吗模式。许多农作物和野生授粉服务植物,和移动生物经常体验景观空间尺度上。昆虫传粉者是否在当地的影响得分基于规模由基于成果方案植物指标,或者景观管理更重要的是,和是否有不同taxon-specific组之间的反应。大黄蜂,孤独的蜜蜂、花虻和蝴蝶是采样使用横断面和锅陷阱在23个不同分数分配字段通过该计划,坐落在高强度(≥65%改善草原)或低强度(≥65%半野生的草原景观。表明taxon-specific本地和反应半自然景观管理草原。大黄蜂积极回应当地范围内管理领域更高的花卉多样性,而花虻和蝴蝶积极响应低强度的景观管理。植物作为生物多样性的指标农耕环境规划把部分耕地退还作可以间接的福利等非目标类群的大黄蜂,但是更广泛的指标应该发达合并其他传粉者群体。组织对当地和景观的反应不同管理半野生的草原。Agri-environme



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