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A middle-aged man with increasing body fat


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A 51-year-old man was referred for evaluation of gradual increase in body fat over bilateral arms, chest and abdomen for 6 months. He was a non-smoker and he drank at least four bottles of beer daily since the age of 18. There was no significant past medical history or any family history of obesity or endocrine diseases. Physical examination showed localized large bulk of fat over the neck, both arms and mammary regions, abdomen, and back (Figs 1 and 2). The lower limbs and buttock were relatively spared. There was telangiectasia over the face and chest wall, but no palmar erythema nor finger clubbing. The liver span was normal, and the spleen tip was palpated 2 cm below the costal margin. Examination of the cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological system was normal.Blood tests showed thrombocytopenia (platelet 140 x 10~9 L~(-1) [normal: 170-380 × 10~9 L~(-1)]) and liver function derangement (bilirubin 27 mumol L~(-1), ALP 298 U L~(-1), ALT 127 U L~(-1), AST 165 U L~(-1), GGT 1353 U L~(-1), albumin 33 g L~(-1) and globulin 42 g L~(-1)). His clotting profile and renal functions were normal. His hepatitis B surface antigen was positive, but his HBV DNA was <60 copies per mL. Fasting glucose was 5.0 mmol L~(-1). HbA1c was 5.6%. His lipid profile was satisfactory with total cholesterol of 2.9 mmol L~(-1), triglycerides 1.0 mmol L~(-1), HDL-C 1.37 mmol L~(-1) and LDL-C 1.1 mmol L~(-1). Ultrasound of the abdomen showed normal-sized liver with coarsened liver parenchymal echogenicity. The spleen was enlarged to 14 cm.This middle-aged man suffered from multiple symmetric lipomatosis and alcoholic liver disease. Dual-energy X-ray showed 1746 gm (40.1%), 1498 gm (32.8%) and 8322 gm (26.8%) fat over the left arm, right arm and trunk, respectively. The legs were unaffected with 1703 gm (19.4%) and 1627 gm (17.7%) fat over the left and right sides, respectively. The patient was advised to stop drinking and he declined surgical treatment.
机译:一名51岁的男子被评估身体脂肪含量逐渐增加对两国武器,胸部和腹部为6个月。至少不吸烟,他也喝了四瓶啤酒每天自18岁。重要的过去的病史或任何家庭肥胖或内分泌疾病的历史。体检显示本地化大型散装脂肪的脖子,手臂和乳房地区,腹部和背部(无花果1和2)。下肢和臀部相对幸免。脸和胸部有毛细管扩张墙,但没有掌红斑和手指泡吧。肝脏是正常的,和脾脏提示触诊肋缘下2厘米。检查心血管、呼吸道和神经系统是正常的。显示血小板减少症(血小板140 x 10 ~ 9L ~(1)(正常:170 - 380×10 ~ 9 L ~(1)])和肝脏功能错乱(胆红素27 mumol L ~ (1),高山298 U L ~ (1), ALT 127 U L ~(1)、AST 165 UL ~ (1), GGT 1353 U L ~(1),白蛋白33 g L ~ (1)和球蛋白42 g L ~(1))。和肾脏功能正常。乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原是积极的,但他的DNA< 60册每毫升。空腹血糖为5.0更易L ~(1)。满意总胆固醇2.9更易1.0 L ~(1),甘油三酯更易与L ~(1),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇1.37更易与L ~(1)和低密度1.1更易与L ~(1)。腹部显示正常肝脏肝实质回声变粗了。脾脏是扩大到14厘米。患有多种对称lipomatosis和酒精性肝病。1746年通用汽车(40.1%),1498年通用汽车8322年(32.8%)和通用汽车(26.8%)脂肪的左臂,右手臂分别树干。1703年通用汽车1627年(19.4%)和通用汽车(17.7%)脂肪分别左右。病人被告知停止喝酒和他拒绝手术治疗。



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