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A simple experimental setup for testing saltwater preference.


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The prerequisite for anadromous juvenile salmonids to enter sea water (SW) is the development of SW tolerance during a process called smolting or parr-smolt transformation. This complex and crucial life stage is accompanied by several behavioural, physiological and morphological changes allowing successful transition from freshwater to marine environment (Hoar 1976). In sh hatcheries or research facilities, the readiness of smolts for SW transfer is typically estimated using a salinity tolerance test or SW challenge hypoosmoregulatory test (Clarke, Saunders & McCormick 1996). The former test measures mortality/ survival of smolts in hypersaline water and the latter measures plasma ions at a determined time (e.g. 24 h) after an abrupt transfer to SW. However, given the increasing regard for animal welfare (e.g. Huntingford, Adams, Braithwaite, Kadri, Pottinger, Sandoe & Turnbull 2006), it would be desirable to develop a reliable, non-invasive and non-lethal method for assessing smolt readiness..
机译:幼稚鲑鱼进入海水(SW)的先决条件是在所谓的Smolting或Parr-Smolt转化过程中对SW的耐受性的发展。在这个复杂而关键的生命阶段,伴随着一些行为,生理和形态变化,从而允许从淡水成功过渡到海洋环境(Hoar 1976)。在孵化场或研究设施中,通常使用盐度耐受性测试或SW挑战性低渗调节测试来评估软体动物迁移的准备状态(Clarke,Saunders&McCormick 1996)。前者测试在高盐度水中的鲑鱼的死亡率/存活率,后者测试在突然转移到SW后的确定时间(例如24小时)测量血浆离子。但是,鉴于对动物福利的关注日益增加(例如Huntingford,Adams,Braithwaite,Kadri,Pottinger,Sandoe和Turnbull,2006年),因此需要开发一种可靠的,非侵入性和非致命性的方法来评估熏鲑准备情况。



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