首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Salinity-induced quiescence in eggs of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa (Dana): a simple method for egg storage

Salinity-induced quiescence in eggs of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa (Dana): a simple method for egg storage


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We report the effect of salinity and temperature on the viability of stored culture-based subitaneous eggs of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa for use of copepods in fish larvae culture. Quiescence induction was recorded at 17 and 25 pC, in salinities from 0 to 30. Quiescence was strongly induced at 0 salinity and partially at 5 in both temperatures. Eggs incubated at 0 salinity for up to 12 days at both temperatures showed a decline in the fraction able to be induced into quiescence by abrupt salinity changes. The hatching success of eggs that were able to enter quiescence stabilized after a 1-day incubation and remained ~25% viable for 12 days in 17 pC. On the contrary, the 25 pC trial showed a gradual decline in viability until stabilizing ~10% at day 7 and onwards. Longterm 17 pC incubation for 35 days showed that eggs remained quiescent with a viability of ~14%. Hence, we recommend salinity storage of A. tonsa subitaneous eggs as a relevant shortterm technique, and a suitable alternative to the recently proposed cold storage of eggs when eggs are to be shipped from the copepod producer to a given fish larvae hatchery.
机译:我们报告了盐度和温度对the鱼co足类A足类鱼的culture鱼幼虫养殖中使用的pe足类卵的储藏培养亚种卵生存力的影响。在盐度为0到30的情况下,在17和25 pC时记录了静态诱导。在两个盐度下,在0盐度和5下都强烈诱导了静态。在两个盐度下,在0盐度下孵育长达12天的鸡蛋显示,盐度的突然变化能够诱导其进入静止状态的比例下降。经过1天的孵化后,能够进入静止状态的卵的孵化成功得以稳定,并且在17 pC下可保持25%的存活率达12天。相反,25 pC试验显示生存力逐渐下降,直到第7天及以后稳定在〜10%为止。长期17 pC孵育35天表明卵保持静止状态,存活率约为14%。因此,我们建议将盐渍化拟南芥亚种卵作为一种相关的短期技术,并且当将卵从co足类生产者运送到给定的鱼幼体孵化场时,是最近提出的将卵冷藏的合适替代方法。



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