首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Studies on the recently discovered crayfish, Austropotamobius torrentium (Shrank, 1803), in Turkey: morphological analysis and meat yield.

Studies on the recently discovered crayfish, Austropotamobius torrentium (Shrank, 1803), in Turkey: morphological analysis and meat yield.

机译:对土耳其最近发现的小龙虾Austropotamobius torrentium(Shrank,1803年)的研究:形态分析和肉类产量。

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This study was conducted to analyse the morphology and abdominal meat yield of A. torrentium in order to assess its potential for aquaculture. 60 males and 224 females of A. torrentium (20-45 and 20-40 mm carapace length (CL) for males and females, respectively) were caught from the Velika River, Turkey. The specimens were stored according to sex, washed and frozen at -20 degrees C for further processing. Measurements of carapace width, abdomen length, abdomen width, chelae length, and cheliped length were documented and used to determine sexual dimorphism between males and females. A linear relationship was observed between the CL and body weight of both sexes (r2=0.89 and 0.79 for males and females, respectively). A significant sexual dimorphism was observed in the body weight, abdomen width, chelae width, chelae length and cheliped length between male and female A. torrentium of the same size. Males had significantly heavier body weight, longer cheliped and chelae, wider chelae and wider carapace than females. However, the females had significantly wider and longer abdomen than the males. There was a significant difference in the abdomen meat yield between males and females (P<0.001). In addition, big sized males (37-44 mm CL) had significantly higher abdomen meat yield than the small sized males (30-36 mm CL)(1.45+or-0.30 g and 0.97+or-0.23 g for big and small sized males). There was no significant difference in the abdomen meat yield of males and females of the same size (30-36 mm CL). However, the abdomen meat yields of males and females were 6.61 and 9.40%, respectively. It is concluded that because of the small size, low abdominal meat yield and limited distribution, A. torrentium has limited potential for aquaculture. However, ecological research should be conducted to determine the actual impact of A. torrentium on the ecosystem..
机译:进行这项研究以分析A. torrent的形态和腹肉产量,以评估其在水产养殖中的潜力。从土耳其的Velika河中捕获了60头雄性。虫和224头雌性甲虫(雄性和雌性的甲壳长度分别为20-45和20-40毫米)。根据性别将标本存储起来,在-20摄氏度下洗涤和冷冻以进行进一步处理。甲壳的宽度,腹部的长度,腹部的宽度,的长度和唇形的长度的测量值都被记录下来,并用于确定男性和女性之间的性二态性。男女的CL和体重之间存在线性关系(男性和女性分别为r2 = 0.89和0.79)。在相同大小的雄性和雌性山洪。之间,在体重,腹部宽度,ae毛宽度,毛长度和螯合长度上观察到明显的性二态性。与雌性相比,雄性的体重显着重,螯和螯的时间更长,螯的宽度和甲壳更宽。但是,女性的腹部比男性的腹部明显更宽,更长。男性和女性之间的腹部肉产量存在显着差异(P <0.001)。此外,大型雄性(37-44 mm CL)的腹部肉产量明显高于小型雄性(30-36 mm CL)(1.45+或-0.30 g和0.97+或-0.23 g男性)。同样大小(30-36 mm CL)的雄性和雌性的腹部肉产量没有显着差异。然而,男性和女性的腹部肉产量分别为6.61%和9.40%。结论是,由于体积小,腹肉产量低和分布有限,所以山洪菜的水产养殖潜力有限。但是,应该进行生态研究以确定山洪杆菌对生态系统的实际影响。



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