首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Effects of starvation and re-alimentation periods on growth performance and hyperphagic response of Sparus aurata.

Effects of starvation and re-alimentation periods on growth performance and hyperphagic response of Sparus aurata.


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This study was conducted to understand the phenomenon of compensatory growth (CG) response in gilthead sea bream subjected to different lengths of re-alimentation, to evaluate subsequent hyperphagic response, and to determine the optimum feeding management using cycling deprivation in order to maximize growth and FE. The experimental groups were fed to satiation for 2 (G1), 3, (G2), or 4 (G3) days followed by 1 day feed deprivation in cycles over the course of 5 weeks. The control group (C) was continuously fed to satiation. Diet was offered twice a day between 09:00-10:00 h and 18:00-19:00 h. One day feed deprivation followed by 2 days of satiation in G1 and C resulted in a higher final body weight than the other tested groups, G2 and G3 (P0.05). The cumulative feed intake were 473.2+or-26.6, 411.6+or-32.8, 400.7+or-34.3 and 426+or-17.7 g for C, G1, G2 and G3, respectively. G1 had a significantly higher (P0.05) FE (82.2%) than either the control fish (71.8%) or other experimental treatments (65.2-73.0%). It is concluded that compensatory growth response in gilthead sea bream is not only dependent on the intensity of deprivation but also on the length of the re-alimentation period. Displaying complete compensation following a feed restriction, there may be a strong case to made for using feed restriction cycles as a routine procedure in the commercial production of gilthead sea bream..
机译:进行这项研究的目的是了解经历不同时间再营养的金头鲷的代偿性生长(CG)反应现象,评估随后的高食性反应,并使用循环剥夺来确定最佳饲喂管理,以使生长和繁殖最大化。 FE。实验组进食饱食2(G1),3,(G2)或4(G3)天,然后在5周的周期内每天禁食1天。对照组(C)连续饱食。在09:00-10:00和18:00-19:00之间每天两次提供饮食。 G1和C禁食一天,随后饱食2天,导致最终体重高于其他测试组G2和G3(P <0.05)。 C,G1,G2和G3的累计采食量分别为473.2+或-26.6、411.​​6+或-32.8、400.7+或-34.3和426+或-17.7 g。 G1的FE(82.2%)显着高于对照鱼(71.8%)或其他实验处理(65.2-73.0%)。结论是,金头鲷的代偿性生长反应不仅取决于剥夺的强度,还取决于再营养期的长短。在限制进食后显示出完全的补偿,可能有充分的理由将限制进食周期用作商业生产的金头鲷的常规程序。



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