首页> 外文期刊>Applied turfgrass science >Influence of Trinexapac Ethyl on the Efficacy of Chlorothalonil and Propiconazole for Control of Dollar Spot on Creeping Bentgrass

Influence of Trinexapac Ethyl on the Efficacy of Chlorothalonil and Propiconazole for Control of Dollar Spot on Creeping Bentgrass


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Dollar spot, caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, is a chronic disease of golf turf in the midwestern and northeastern United States, where it is routinely managed with repeated applications of fungicides. Trinexapac ethyl is a plant-growth regulator commonly applied to putting greens and fairways to limit grass clippings and improve turf quality. Field experiments were designed to assess the effects of trinexapac ethyl on dollar spot severity on creeping bentgrass putting greens and fairways, and to determine its influence on the efficacy of two fungicides, propiconazole and chlorothalonil. Research was conducted over three growing seasons where treatments were initiated before (pre-outbreak) and after (post-outbreak) dollar spot symptoms were evident in the experimental plots. In pre-outbreak trials on putting greens and fairways, trinexapac ethyl rarely affected disease progress, and did not consistently improve or diminish fungicide efficacy. In post-outbreak experiments, turf recovery from dollar spot damage following fungicide applications was significantly delayed in some cases in plots treated with trinexapac ethyl.
机译:美元斑点,由高加索菌(Scolerotinia homoeocarpa)引起,是美国中西部和东北部高尔夫草皮的一种慢性病,通常通过重复使用杀真菌剂来对其进行管理。 Trinexapac乙基是一种植物生长调节剂,通常用于果岭和球道,以限制草屑和改善草皮质量。设计了野外试验,以评估抗倒酯对美元点严重度对蠕动的草丛果岭和球道的美元斑点严重性的影响,并确定其对两种杀菌剂丙环唑和百菌清的功效的影响。在三个生长季节进行了研究,其中在暴发之前(暴发前)和暴发后(暴发后)开始了治疗。在果岭和球道的暴发前试验中,抗倒酯对病害的进展影响很小,并且并不能持续改善或降低杀菌剂的功效。在暴发后的实验中,在某些情况下用抗倒酯处理的地块中,草皮从施用杀真菌剂引起的美元现货损失中的恢复显着延迟。



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