首页> 外文期刊>Applied turfgrass science >Influence of Summer Spoonfeeding Six Nitrogen Sources On Dollar Spot Severity and Chlorothalonil Efficacy in Creeping Bentgrass

Influence of Summer Spoonfeeding Six Nitrogen Sources On Dollar Spot Severity and Chlorothalonil Efficacy in Creeping Bentgrass


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Dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa F.T. Bennett) injury can be suppressed by applications of nitrogen fertilizer to creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.). Previous studies evaluated applications of relatively high rates of nitrogen (≥ 24 kgN/ha) for dollar spot suppression. In this study, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, urea, potassium nitrate, calcium nitrate, and 20-20-20 were applied to fairway height creeping bentgrass on two week intervals at 7.3 kg N/ha in 2008 and 2009. The N sources were applied alone or tank-mixed with a low rate of the contact fungicide chlorothalonil (1.6 kg a.i./ha in 2008 and 3.2 kg a.i./ha in 2009). It was hypothesized that N + chlorothalonil would improve the level or longevity of dollar spot control compared to chlorothalonil alone. Treatments were initiated prior to the onset of dollar spot symptoms. Area under the disease progress curve data revealed that only ammonium sulfate had reduced dollar spot in both years, whereas ammonium nitrate and 20-20-20 did not reduce dollar spot over the season in any year. There was a trend for less dollar spot control in plots treated with N + chlorothalonil versus the low chlorothalonil rate alone in 2008, but in 2009 the deleterious effect was significant. It is likely that N stimulated plant growth and thus the contact fungicide was more rapidly removed from plants by mowing or there was more unprotected tissue for a longer period compared to plots treated with chlorothalonil alone. Ammonium nitrate, urea and20-20-20 were not injurious. Potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate caused a short-lived tip burn, but ammonium sulfate elicited a severe burn since the N sources were not watered-in immediately.
机译:氮肥施用于creep草(Agrostis stolonifera L.)可以抑制美元斑(Sclerotinia homoeocarpa F.T. Bennett)的伤害。先前的研究评估了相对较高的氮肥用量(≥24 kgN / ha)对美元斑点抑制的应用。在这项研究中,分别于2008年和2009年以7.3 kg N / ha的间隔每两周将硝酸铵,硫酸铵,尿素,硝酸钾,硝酸钙和20-20-20施用到球道高度creep草上。单独施用或与低比例的接触杀真菌剂百菌清混合使用(2008年为1.6千克活性成分/公顷,2009年为3.2千克活性成分/公顷)。假设与单独的百菌清相比,N +百菌清将改善美元现货管制的水平或寿命。在美元即期症状发作之前就开始治疗。疾病进展曲线数据下的区域显示,两年中只有硫酸铵减少了美元现货,而硝酸铵和20-20-20在任何一年中均没有减少美元现货。在用N +百菌清处理的地块中,美元现货控制的趋势相对于仅百菌清的低比率有所降低,但是在2009年,其有害影响是显着的。与单独用百菌清处理的地块相比,氮可能刺激了植物的生长,因此通过割草可以更快地从植物中去除接触性杀菌剂,或者存在更多未被保护的组织。硝酸铵,尿素和20-20-20无伤害。硝酸钾和硝酸钙引起短时的烙铁头灼伤,但由于不立即浇灌氮源,硫酸铵引起严重的灼伤。



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