首页> 外文期刊>Applied thermal engineering: Design, processes, equipment, economics >A simplified method of calculating heat flow through a two-phase heat exchanger

A simplified method of calculating heat flow through a two-phase heat exchanger


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A simplified method of calculating the heat flow through a heat exchanger in which one or both heat carrying media are undergoing a phase change is proposed. It is based on enthalpies of the heat carrying media rather than their temperatures. The method enables the determination of the maximum rate of heat flow provided the thermodynamic properties of both heat-carrying media are known. There will be no requirement to separately simulate each part of the system or introduce boundaries within the heat exchanger if one or both heat-carrying media undergo a phase change. The model can be used at the pre-design stage, when the parameters of the heat exchangers may not be known, i.e., to carry out an assessment of a complex energy scheme such as a steam power plant. One such application of this model is in thermal simulation exercises within the TRNSYS modeling environment. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:提出了一种简化的计算通过热交换器的热流的方法,在该热交换器中一个或两个载热介质都发生相变。它基于载热介质的焓而不是其温度。如果已知两种载热介质的热力学性质,则该方法能够确定最大热流率。如果一种或两种载热介质发生相变,则无需分别模拟系统的每个部分或在热交换器内引入边界。当热交换器的参数可能未知时,即在进行复杂能源计划(例如蒸汽发电厂)的评估时,可以在预设计阶段使用该模型。该模型的一种此类应用是在TRNSYS建模环境中的热模拟练习中。 (c)2005 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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