首页> 外文期刊>Applied thermal engineering: Design, processes, equipment, economics >Enhanced pool boiling of R-123 refrigerant on two selected tubes

Enhanced pool boiling of R-123 refrigerant on two selected tubes


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Experimental investigations of nucleate pool boiling of R-123 refrigerant at 26.7 deg C saturation temperature on two new enhanced tubes has been conducted by a test unit which has been carefully designed with the capability of weighing enhanced surface performance. Results have been compared with the existing pool boiling data of R-123 for other enhanced tubes and surface geometries. The objective is to enrich the data base for boiling performance of R-123 on new enhanced tubes and to realize the rule of different micro-channel geometries on heat transfer performance. Two proposed new enhanced tubes have been manufactured by a cold working process. Considering lower fabrication costs and ease of cleaning and maintenance in case of fouling in heat exchanger tubes, the new proposed enhanced tubes have priorities compared to other recently developed enhanced tubes and structured surfaces.



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